The Elections feel like a really bad reality show.
Gobi M. Rahimi
Sustainability conscious, AI, strategic content creator. Building high performing teams. Optimizing production for maximum throughput resulting in highest yields, so that the client wins. Supporter of all CHIEF's.
Why are the biggest crook businessman and the biggest crook politician are running for the most power position in the world? It's scary on so many levels. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I can't understand how two families that look like best buds, with photos and commentary to boot, all of a sudden are at each others throats like there's no tomorrow. There may not be a tomorrow. Here's my theory: Some years ago, the Clintons and the Trumps were at a swanky dinner party, at the same table. After a few drinks, Donny leans over to Bill and says "Bill I've got an amazing plan. It's going to be huge. They won't see it coming. I've got a plan to make Hillary President and all you guys have to do is make sure that when the shit hits the fan for me, you take care of me and my brand". Given the 3 ring circus we call American politics in this day and age, is this a far fetched idea? I don't think so.