?? Elections are coming!! Elections are coming! ??
--do we address the issues we can? Or just yell about it all?
Anger, yelling, hatred. Media that sensationalizes and candidates that speak, well, stuff! And voters get nothing useful. Here is a way voters can get some information around the fighting. ?
Can this happen? Will voters allow themselves to things this way? Candidate ... ?
First: Explicitly ignore some stuff people are angrily fighting about! Period!
Nothing about: fascists, socialists, what party is evil/good, past elections, convictions, abortion, guns, impeachments, siblings/children, etc. ONLY the questions.
Next: ask the things below, and televise on some neutral (to the U.S.) network. Maybe Cspan? Ask the BBC to help us out?
Then perhaps ask candidates/parties about:
Healthcare: We have an enormous problem in the country with healthcare availability, affordability, costs. People feel they have the right to access such things to live, be health, be part of the workforce. This will cost money. So:
Immigration: We have a problem with immigration. Please state what you propose as specifically as possible for short term and longer-term comprehensive immigration reform.
Environment: Please address to addres concerns regarding climate change, emissions, etc. Slashing emissions might stop the changes. But will crater the economy. How do you propose balancing controlling emissions and the economy?
Religion. Based on the constitution and precedent, it appears the government will neither promote the establishment of a religion nor prohibit exercise of one. Some people, as part of their belief, wish to put their religion into the public sphere. To those people, not allowing them to promote their religion in the public sphere infringes upon their right to practice. How do you balance that?
Race: Statistically there is a large racial divide in the country regarding economic prosperity, access to services, prosecution by law enforcement, incarceration rates (for specific offenses), etc. How do you propose addressing that? Keep in mind, if you give to one group to address it, a group that believes you are taking from them will fight you. And doing nothing condemns those on the worse side of that divide to stay.
Birth control – access to birth control, specifically barrier methods, hormonal (Pill/implant, etc), and internal (IUD), is something all people in the U.S. have access to. Some feel this is not proper. Some agree is should remain as it is. Without bringing the abortion debate into this, please state your position on contraceptive access and who/where/when it should allowed and be legal? ?
Taxes. Statistically, if you divide people into top half of earners and lower, the lower half pays a very significant amount more tax than the upper. Are you going to address this? How? And how will you balance effect on services? ?
Education: many states, people in areas and districts within states/cities, etc, have wildly different levels of education, are taught that diametrically opposed things about the same subjects are true/false, etc. Additionally, many propose funding private/religious institutions, either directly or with “vouchers”, often leaving public schools struggling. Please address:
Let's save the middle east for next time.
Or keep yelling angrily.
What do you think will happen? I think i know the answer...but one can hope.