Election Tour Update | More In Common Ventures | Kickstarter Campaign
Christopher B.
Founder, Magical Year Retreats. Human thriving, performance and transitions consultant. Interviewer, Author, Athlete, Explorer.
It's a gorgeous day and before today's ride to Old Snowmass - my spiritual home - I want to provide a few updates.
Cancer. Early results from Monday's Multiple Myeloma bone marrow biopsy were encouraging but mixed, with the bad news being more than 10% plasma cells present, and the good news as of now not more. None is normal and sixty percent is an independent indicator of cancer. The remainder of the results will arrive by the 22nd. I'm pushing forward on all projects with confidence.
I've wrestled with what I am going to write about my health for years, but in short, I've been outperforming Celiac Disease and the neurological disorder Charcot Marie Tooth for years and my friends consider me indestructible, not that me or anyone actually are.
Watch This Campaign. Checking that box helps me rank higher on Kickstarter so if you have a minute please head on over and express your interest. Last night I refined the Campaign's items and reward tiers and also fleshed out the Tour Itinerary, which includes the entire East Coast and portions of the Great Lakes and Gulf Coast.
Documentary. Shout out to #LensRentals and John Leonard. When I attended the Sundance Film Festival a few years ago two filmmakers and two journalists encouraged me to consider eventually making a documentary of my circumnavigation. I've worked with LensRentals for years, and John has been instrumental in recommending cinema grade equipment that will be more than adequate for live streaming and podcast episodes that will also capture footage suitable for a large screen doc. For the film nerds, the #Sony FX3 is in the lead.
More In Common Ventures: Low friction grants to enable grantees to remain in or regain housing, recover quickly from tragedy, and to enable work of importance later in life. There is no other foundation I know of working in this space and I am looking forward to having it vested and operating in 10 Pilot cities in late 2025. As I travel the remainder of my route I look forward to continuing the conversations about MIC Ventures I've had with non-profit and philanthropy professionals the last three years here in Aspen and around the country. My travels, and the far too many stories of heartbreaking and needless tragedy I saw and heard forever changed the way I view our social safety nets, which I can say with authority amount far too often to a cruel joke.
What I'm Excited About. Everything. Perimeter began as an awesome road trip. It became much more. While this tour is ambitious, and a way for me to portray the people I meet along the way to listener sand viewers, during a historic and difficult Presidential election, it remains a road trip.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I'm going to.
Best, Chris