Election Time
Kevin Gordon
Innovator in Marketing & Technology. I Build Teams, Scale Growth and Drive Results.
Folks, its an election year, and every year will be until 2020. It's your Civic duty to become educated on the issues and candidates.
This year we will be voting for the City of Winnipeg. Take the time to learn about the mayorial candidates and your city councillor options.
Learn about current civic issues and what they mean the greater community. Think to yourself, what would have the greatest good as a society, instead of thinking "what will benefit me". We are in this together.
Go to town hall meetings, talk to members of your community, learn about what they think and their concerns.
Don't let the media blind you. The media is biased, just like everyone else. What they say isn't necessarily true, and their coverage of the issues at hand are for their own benefit, just like other people's opinions. There are many sides to a debate, learn the sides and be informed.
Don't let political candidates lead you on with smoke screens and promises on issues that really don't move society forward. Look at the candidates track record. What did they promise last election, and what did they actually accomplish? And remember, lavish or bold promises rarely come to fruition because a politician has one vote on issues, just like you have one vote for a candidate. There are 15 councillors plus the mayor.
Most importantly, vote. I hear too often that " there are no candidates that represent my needs". Well, okay and that is probably true for 100% of us. No candidate will ever 100% match your ideology, unless you are the candidate. So unless you are going to run for office, sit down, shut up and vote. Figure out which candidate has the greatest alignment to your views. Failing that, choose the one who has the most common sense plan that will drive society forward and have the greatest political impact based on the social issue I recommended you research above.
"But, there is just too much to research". No, there isn't. You may have half a dozen candidates at each level to consider, and some are probably so far off base you can write them off to start.
Put down your phone, turn off the Bachelor or Brooklyn 99 or whatever crap you are watching and take a couple of hours to be involved in the political system that gives us the democracy we demand. It isn't rocket science people, vote.
If you still think voting is a waste of your time, may I book you a one-way ticket to North Korea?