This Election is to Important to Let Pass

This Election is to Important to Let Pass

Frank R Shaw, DBA

Retired, USA




TO:         All of my Associates, Family, and Friends.


REF:       Presidential Election




As a norm I do not post items to social media, other than USIPS announcements and advertisements, however I felt that as an American, Business Owner and Concerned Citizen, I had to voice my opinion one last time, just to offer some facts that you may consider before you vote this coming Tuesday. I am in no way trying to insist or sway your vote (that’s your choice) but offer food for thought!



    1. Over the last several months we have observed the Presidential Candidates’ debate on a host of issues, somewhere valid and others where not relevant to any individual particular desire or thought, but as an American and concerned citizen you should vote.
    3. Do you realize, that in the beginning our founding fathers where not nor intended to be career politicians? They were business people in one form or another, but stepped up to not only direct their business on a large scale, but to benefit this country and guide it in a better direction then and in the future.
    5. Do realize, that with the passing of our founding fathers, (We the People) allowed our political system to become populated by career politicians who made a lifelong career in our various government entities?   Now, I don’t know about you but when you permit any individual to obtain that much power in anyone position it’s a recipe for failure, because human nature will be the bases for failure; allow me to put it plainly, the alinements and backdoor dealings made will be directed at benefiting them or special interest groups as opposed to the will of “The People”, we all have watched this take place over the last 100 years, and continuing to this very day.
  • Do realize, that all of the problems faced by the United States to date where contrived by our political system? I recall hearing one of my many professors stating two very prolific statements that at the time did not ring true, but looking back it does today, one was: “In War there is Profit”, and the other was “If you can’t can the system make a profit from it” which is exactly what has happened over the many conflicts and wars we have been involved in. The one that I am unfortunately familiar with is Vietnam and most recently Iraq, both of the events we should have never been involved with, and if we had to we never went in with the intent to win, yet we lost combined more Americans between the two named then we did in WW-1, 2, and Korea for what individual “Power, Privilege, and Money”.I could continue with this post and other facts that has played out, but I suppose that many of you are tired of reading; so inclosing allow me to leave you one or two more pertinent thoughts. (1.) The next President will set the stage for the future, by their recommended appointment(s) for the Supreme Court; these recommended appointments will affect us and our grandchildren for the next 100 years.    


  2. I highly recommend and urge you to Vote for Donald J. Trump, this Election Day.
  3. Anyone with a limited amount of knowledge and understanding, can clearly see that the only candidate that has and is spending their own money and owes no-one is Donald J. Trump.
  4. You vote your knowledge and heart…..But if you allow the Clinton’s and Obama’s to continue their personal agenda march, then you deserve just what you get; the hurting and unfortunate fact is you, your family, children and grandchildren will suffer for years to come.
  5. And (2.) What do you really want in the White House, someone that has continually failed both as the 1st Lady, and Secretary of State?   And who is playing the gender and race card, but in reality they have their own personal agenda?   Or do you want someone like our founding fathers, a hard worker and self-made but is pursuing this offer to genuinely help this country and its people.
Oliver C Coleman

Spiritual Director, Reiki Master Practioner, Consultant at Caldwell Alternative Consultant, LLC

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Interesting statements of some facts, Where does the Truth sit at this table.


attn, frank shaw. this is rafael,still in n.m. say it again loud and proud. signing out.



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