?? Election Day is November 5th: Get Out and VOTE!  ???

?? Election Day is November 5th: Get Out and VOTE! ???

The countdown is on—Election Day is TOMORROW, Tuesday, November 5th! This is your chance to make your voice heard and shape the future. Are you ready to make an impact? RIBBA has all the information you need to be an informed and empowered voter.

? What’s on the Ballot?

You know you’ll be asked to vote for President & Vice President, but do you know how you’ll vote when it comes to everything else?

Check out our easy-to-read infographic that breaks down what’s on the RI statewide ballot this election.

From federal, state, and local candidates to critical ballot referenda, you’ll find the info you need to be informed and ready to vote!

Remember: your local ballot will likely contain questions unique to your community: https://elections.ri.gov/about/local-boards-canvassers

??? Make a Voting Plan!

Here are some quick tips to help you vote in this year’s election:

  1. Polls will be open 7am - 8pm on Tuesday, 11/5/24. If you are in line to vote past 8pm, DON’T LEAVE. You will still be able to cast your vote.
  2. Double-check where your polling location is. It may have changed; never hurts to check!
  3. Gather your ID. Rhode Island requires proof of identification. Click here for more info, including how to get a free voter ID. Please note: If you can’t make it back to the polling location with your ID before polls close, you have the right to request this kind of ballot. DO NOT LEAVE WITHOUT VOTING.
  4. Is it 7:30am and your polling location still isn’t open? Or is the location inaccessible? Did someone turn you away when you presented your ID? The Voter Protection Hotline has your back: call 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)

?? Fight Disinformation—Share this Info!

Don't keep this info to yourself! Forward this post, share our materials on social media, and spark conversations with friends, family, and neighbors encouraging them to Get out and VOTE! The more people become empowered, the stronger our community’s voice becomes at the ballot box!

Above All: VOTE!

This is your moment. Your vote is your voice—let it be heard loud and clear. In Rhode Island, 1 vote has separated who wins a seat on the City Council or the General Assembly. As a voter, you have a say: exercise your power!

Let’s do this together! ??



