Elearning: Is Messi A Wave And Ronaldo A Particle?
olumuyiwa adedayo
President, Dyslexia Nigeria and Africa (DNA); Africa's Pioneer Educational Neuroscientist
‘If you are not astonished by Quantum Mechanics,
then you have not understood it enough.’
· Niels Bohr·
E-learning: Talent Creates Triumph
In a brilliant Harvard Business Review article, titled ‘Ferguson Formula’, Professor Anita Elberse succinctly articulated various fundamental factors responsible for the amazing coaching and managerial feats of one of the world’s leading football managers, Sir Alex Ferguson. She brilliantly connected some of the insights she got from informal studying Ferguson to the corporate or business world.
When this e-learning specialist stumbled onto the piece, the desire to start writing academic articles that cover the art and entertainment ecosystems was born. This later gave birth to ‘Education: Finland and Ferguson Formulas’ and many others which can be read on our website: www.edubrainics.com for those interested in combining education and entertainment.
Similarly, famous theoretical physicist, Professor Jim Al-khalili recently gave a fascination talk on ‘Quantum Biology’ in Greece. In the presentation, titled ‘Life is Quantum Mechanical’, the renowned professor interestingly quizzed thus ‘What does Quantum Mechanics have to say about Biology?’ This thought-generating question got me thinking; and in the end…Questions welled up in my own curious mind, too.
Therefore, one of the questions I was tempted to ask is : What does Physics, especially Quantum Physics have to do with Sports, football in particular?
As a matter of fact, many years ago, yours sincerely became interested in theoretically studying the lives and legacies of legends in various fields like science, art, sports, business, politics, comparative education, neuroscience, and so on. This unique class of individuals, heavyweights and domain giants, this writer called ‘Distinguished Domain Deities (3Ds).
The likes of Marie Curie, Bill Gates, Wole Soyinka, Aliko Dangote, Ben Carson, Mae Jemison, Lionel Messi, Serena Williams, Cristian Ronaldo, Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson, Eric Kandel, Strive Masiyiwa and a few others. My focus was on their backgrounds, educations, inborn talents, habits, belief systems, audacities, role models, lifestyles and so many factors. In short, I really wanted to dig and unravel what truly makes them who they are; this became my obsession and object of informal inquiry.
At this juncture, it is worth emphasizing that this writer is not a physicist or does he have a scientific education. I was born and wired for Art. It was Chinese Philosopher, Confucius, who encouraged the
habit of cross disciplinary learning and inquiry into me in one of his quotes. And since then, I have heeded to his piece advice. In fact, why won’t I if one looks at how Confucianism has spread from China in Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other Asian societies till date!
On the other hand, however, some physics-based vocabularies, the likes of Particle, Wave, Quantum Mechanics, etc., which this writer deployed in the ongoing e-learning essay, deserve lay man’s explanation for deeper understanding by the global audience.
To begin with, Quantum Mechanics (QM) is the study of the smallest things in our observable universe. Unlike Classical Physics (CP), which is the scientific study of the big and gigantic (planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, etc.), QM focuses on atom and sub-atomic particles; that is, those thing we can’t see with the naked and largely limited eye. Things like electron, neutron, proton, quarks, neutrino etc.
In the realm of physics, it is widely believed that CP is championed by minds and thinkers like Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Rev. Fr Georges Lemaitre’s and other classical physicists; while Niels Bohr, Erwin Schr?dinger, Werner Heisenberg and others were earlier pioneers of this mysterious known as QM!
Particles are matter and they can be as tiny as an atom and as big as a galaxy, depending on the context. Everything we humans can see with our eyes or by telescope or microscope is a particle: Messi and Ronaldo are made of humongous particles. Trillions of particles make both artistic-stars, in physical terms! Wave, on the other hand, is defined by Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary as ‘A sudden increase in a particular thing or feeling.’ Those rather counter-intuitive, a Wave can be a Particle and a Wave at the same time. This is called the Wave-Particle Duality, in physics.
Although, there are many interpretations and definitions, but this, I reason, best suits our purpose. When Particle begins to behave like a Wave, the phenomenon is referred to as – Quantum Interference. It is so strange that some of us put it in the realm of the mystical and spiritual! In the words of Steven Weinberg, ‘After you learn Quantum Mechanics, you are never really the same again.’
Related:Elearning : P-Square, Talent and Circuitry
This e-learning article began many years ago. I was curious seeing that both players were dominating the football world. What I did was to embark on informational interviews (interviewed Barca, Juventus and other football fans), objective observation and digital data collection by watching videos of both players myself and writing down ideas that helped in birthing this e-learning piece.
E-learning: Diligence Creates Success
In the ‘Football Realm’, Messi and Ronaldo(MR) became my subjects of informal studies. These football gods, maestros and geniuses have dazzled and mesmerized the world for many years. Both are living legends in their countries, clubs, and among their fanatical fans across the world. Both are talented, industrious and artistic sensations.
Moreover, we should not forget to that MR are ‘World Footballers of the Year’, captains of their clubs and countries, have won several trophies for their clubs (Ronaldo has even helped his country win the maiden European Nations League cup!) and many others. A critical look at both of them, each represents two key factors that contribute immensely to a person becoming a champion or winner in any field: Talent and Toil.
Like the subject of particle-wave duality, both possess Talent and commit to Toil (tenacious training) in their vocation. Like John C. Maxwell wrote in one of his brilliant books, titled ‘Talent is Not Enough’ ‘So is talent enough? Yes, but only in the very beginning.’ And Irving Berlin added ‘…Talent is only a starting point in business. You’ve got to keep working that talent.’ That is exactly what this duo have been doing since they made names for themselves in the football space.
As a matter of fact, one of the many reasons for the emergence of this essay is to help Nigerian and African students know that they can rise to global prominence, applying some of the research and rigorously reasoned ideas in this e-learning article. After years of collecting and documenting data via literature review, internet inquiry, informational interviews, empirical observations, etc. I make bold to state that these are some of the empirical factors responsible for the incredible greatness of MR(Messi/Ronaldo): Endowment, Exertion, Enthusiasm, and Expertness.
Endowment relates to Talent, Exertion relates to Hard-work, Enthusiasm relates to Passion/Love and Expertness relates to Sterling Skill. In the words of Harvard professor of strategy, Michael E. Porter ‘But what we found was that just relying on natural endowments doesn’t take you far.’ You have got to toil to triumph…
Cristian Ronaldo has consistently demonstrated his adaptive aptitude in the way he moves from one club to another and still maintains his unique ‘Shine.’ He is not limited by environments. Wherever he goes, which ever club he finds himself, he has proven his ‘Octupusian Genius’ in the Game of Football! A profound Particle with preverbal abilities and amazing charisma! Whenever this writer watches this football genius, CR7 as the world calls him, he always demonstrates that diligence can lead to distinct destiny; no matter what may be your space or domain.
In this Science to Sports essay, LM10 as he is globally referred to, often acts like a Wave on the football pitch! Football fans around the world have seen Messi, many times since he began his soccer career in Barcelona, Spain, magically outwits many defenders and scores astonishing goals.
This writer has been dumbfounded watching mathematical Messi move like a Wave across the wall that defenders erect before him and score unthinkable and unbelievable goals! Not once, but on many occasions, respectively.
In my conclusion, in the wise words of Jordi Garcia, when Barcelona crashed out of the European Union Football Association (EUFA) after falling 4 : 0 to Liverpool(note that Barcelona had earlier in the first leg won by 3 : 0), ‘This loss doesn’t mean Messi isn’t the best. On the contrary, Messi is and will always be the best player in the world!’ He just won the 2018 ‘World Footballer of the Year’! Little wonder he is referred to as the ‘Greatest Of All Time’(G.O.A.T) in Football!
Adedayo A. Olumuyiwa is the Founder/CEO of Africa’s leading Digital Learning Platform: Edubrainics Smartphone Campus. He is an e-Learning Lecturer, the author of four books and a syndicated essayist for Nigeria’s leading newspapers such as ‘The Punch’, ‘The Guardian’, ‘The Leadership’ and ‘The Nation’, respectively.