elavation & IPAF - Back to Basics
Barry Brady
Proud to run the greatest fleet of NIFTYLIFT, HINOWA, DINGLI equipment in the UK!!
Interesting day at the annual PDS. Some old faces and some interesting ideas coming forward. Paul Roddis had an interesting presentation offering; new course improvement, better graphics and easier to use. Giles was his usual self, i think he missed his partner in crime; Rupert got the Dubai gig!!!! 2018 looks like IPAF have made a real effort to listen to the members and give something back. CSCS answers, a new but old Safety Drive was really well presented; Compliance v Practical application. Back to Basics is a really strong concept and elavation will be at the forefront. The presentation on theNiftylift Hybrid equipment was excellent but annoying! We dont want everyone to know about the revolutionary ideas from Niftylift!! After all, we have the largest fleet of Hybrid units in the Universe!!!!! ( Well the UK at least, but thats my Universe so it kind of works!) Good day, great people, and an interesting year ahead.