Elastic Sourcing
As we move increasingly towards a convergence between advanced computing in the lab and what's needed in everyday enterprise IT, a new form of outsourcing is emerging to close the gap on both a lack of talent and of capital required to deliver these services in the traditional way. It's called Elastic Sourcing.
Beyond Platforms
High performance computing and big data analytics, cognitive computing are becoming mainstream IT, yet still require very special talent and very powerful computers, in order to achieve meaningful results for marketing, fraud detection and so forth. Platforms, such as IBM Watson, provide the compute power on-demand, in a pay-as-you-go model. But commercial enterprises, such as banks and retailers need the data scientists and other experts, to get the best out of the tools made available via the cloud. Enter Elastic Sourcing.
Talent On-Demand
With Elastic Sourcing, the scarce talent is deployed just-in-time - as per the computing platform and tools - on a pay-as-you-go model. Data scientists, mathematicians, statisticians, tech architects, advanced programmers, social scientists, psychologists, user experience (UX) designers can all be engaged on an as-need basis, to deliver on high performance computing and big data analytics.
IT outsourcing can be strategic, not just tactical. With high performance computing and big data analytics, the scarcity of talent and high capital costs for building traditional on-premise computing power makes the Elastic Sourcing model attractive: simply pay for the platform and the people, when you need them. As the name implies: scale-up, scale-down - as needed.