El Primer Viaje
Baobab Suites
Peaceful oasis, inspired by elegance and minimalism. A sleek, stylish and relaxed holiday experience.
Every year thousands of Canary shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea borealis), a protected species included in the List of Wild Species and in the Canary Catalogue of Protected Species and the most abundant in the Canary Islands, access our things with the aim of reproducing. It breeds in cliffs, ravines and midlands and when the young have grown up, its parents leave the nest and they must start their first flight to their natural habitat, the sea. For their first trip, They are guided by the moon and the stars and that’s when the artificial illumination of our shores makes them disoriented and fall to earth. They are seabirds and do not have the ability to resume flight from land, so they are exposed to other threats such as trampling or predation.
This is a massive phenomenon every year, which occurs in the Canary Islands around the end of October and the beginning of November and on which campaigns are developed annually for their protection, in which many organizations and volunteers participate, Coinciding with the exit of the chickens.?
The participation of our hotel in the Initiative El Primer Viaje has two fundamental objectives, on the one hand, to undertake measures in our facilities to protect birds, reducing outdoor lighting and activating protocols that, in the event of a fall, make it possible to recover them safely and in the shortest possible time, and, on the other hand, to launch information and awareness campaigns for our employees and customers about the problems of this species.?
These actions on the biodiversity of our territory have a clear approach to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focused mainly on the protection of terrestrial and marine ecosystems, allowing us to move towards a more sustainable tourism and exposing our commitment to provide an effective and honest response to the challenges posed by our business.
2 年Beautiful idea,?