El KINGRA' look carfully at this picture, What do you see between the high grass? There is a road in thre middle of nothing, just grass, high grass, the local people over there call it, EL KINGRA', i was just a child when i use to walk in a place like that one. Per hours, and hours, just to arrive to a hided magic place in the meddle of the Cuban campaign, there was an small lake that local people call it LA LAGUNA DE LOS ESPANOLES. traslated the spainer's lake, i use to walk per hours in the middle of that high grass, remember very well how the wind was shaking the vegetation, and refreshing the swet of my body. was that day when i was returning to home, i found this guy, he was walking in the same direction, and having aconversation with me, he asked me. Do you know what is the name of this beatiful grass? and he said is THE QUEEN GRASS !, he was a Cuban- Jamaican, and because of that he knew very well what was the name of that beatiful grass. In that moment i understood that KINGRA' was the spanglish name of the queen grass.
6 年Thanks