"Ek geniet dit hier by jou"
In the midst of this pandemic, we are seeing acts of courage and commitment from social workers and counsellors. From behind the mask and a safe distance, they continue to do the important job of providing a safe space for children affected by neglect, violence and abuse; listening to them and providing much needed connection and love.
As UNICEF says: "A job that has never been more essential and more challenging."
This is what our beneficiaries - learners, educators and parents - have to say:
"Baie dankie, die (Resilience) video was baie goed. Het baie van die voorbeeld van Charlie gehou. Dis relevant en maklik verstaanbaar hoe om die kennis wat gegee is prakties toe te pas."
"I think every teacher across the globe should watch this (Self-care) video. It is something we forget - to look after ourselves. It is very helpful".
"As an educator we don't give enough time to ourselves. We are so focused on the learners and making sure that they are okay and that they know and understand the work that we teach them. There is just not time to attend to ourselves. I think the video on self-care reminded me to not forget about me, but also to make time for me, which I sometimes struggle with".
"I know your talk was meant for the learners, but I really enjoyed it. Everything you said I could see and apply to my life. I think all the educators should be reminded that this year has been really challenging and we must give ourselves a break and just know that we did not plan for this year to go this way and we did the best that we could to deal and manage everything."
"Die kind is baie trots op sy boekie. Niemand by die huis mag daarin raak nie. Asseblief juffrou stuur vir my ander twee kinders ook"
"Baie dankie, ons waardeer hierdie boekies. Dit hou die kinders op 'n goeie manier besig op dae wat hulle nie by die skool is nie."
"Die vis resep in die booklet was baie lekker! Ons as n gesin het dit saam gemaak en dit was nou vir jou lekker"
“Ek was so panicky en nervous toe ek kom, maar juffrou is so nice en positief. Dit was nou die eerste keer wat ek bietjie oor my gevoelens kon praat.”
''Ek geniet dit hier by jou.''