Either take the right decision or Take a decision and then make it right
Post completion of my bachelor’s, I was sure of what I wanted to do but not why I wanted to do it. I sought out my friends to seek their views on the thought I had in my mind. But speaking to them let me more confused. I then decided I should consult someone senior and I reached out to my parents for their piece of advice. But them being them “the typical Indian parents” suggested me in first place that I should have done engineering, but since I didn’t so now I should pursue a Master’s degree in Computers: the distant cousin of engineering i.e. MCA. But again me being me, I decided to go ahead with my initial decision of pursuing MBA/PGDM.
When I enrolled for the course, everyone around had their own perception and views about the course. Some positive but more negative. I took the decision by myself but wasn’t sure why I took it. Time passed by and yet again a similar situation occurred in front of me by the end of the first year, where I had to decide which specialization I should be opting for? Yet again I was clear which specialization I should be choosing but the reason why? was again unknown to me. I decided to go-ahead with Human Resource. This was not long ago but just two years back. Many people around me felt I had made a grave mistake as there is a stereotype attached to this specialization that it is female-dominated field and even if I manage to find a job, I would end up making rangolis in some corner of the office for the rest of my life. People usually believe that marketing fetches one of the highest packages, Operations and Finance are engines of any organization and HR is just a burden from an organization's perspective.
So according to the people around me, I had again screwed things over for myself by opting for this specialization. And it was then that I realized why I chose HR. It interested me and I saw it as an area of learning rather than making it an option for me to fetch a job.
It’s just been couple of years out of college now, but I have realized that the decisions I took for myself were right or probably I’m making them right. HR as a specialization did fetch me a job that too of being an active contributor in the organization’s growth(wink! wink!).
To all my friends out there my advice to you is: It is easy to blame others for your failures. But when it comes to your own decisions you should be willing to take that extra effort and ensure your decision is the right one.