Either Lead, Follow, Or Get Out Of The Way.
Complaining about your circumstances is the ultimate participation trophy in the game of life.? The Navy SEALs have a saying for this: "Either lead, follow, or get out of the way." It's not some gung-ho war cry; it's a brutal truth about taking ownership of your damn future.
Here's the breakdown, translated for civilian life:
Lead: You've got a killer idea, a problem that needs solving, or a burning desire to be your own boss. This is your time to step up, chart your course, and become the captain of your own ship. Don't be afraid to hustle, take risks, and build something from the ground up.
Follow: Sometimes, the smartest move is to support a strong leader who is already carving a path. This doesn't mean blind obedience—question respectfully, offer your skills, and be a valuable team player who elevates the leader's vision.
Get Out of the Way: Let's face it: you're not always the right person for every job. You may lack the specific expertise or the experience, or you just crave the freedom of being your own boss. That's okay! Step aside gracefully, offer your support from the sidelines, and let someone with the right skillset take the reins.
Think it's all sunshine and rainbows? Hell no. Knowing which of the above categories you fall into and at what time to do what requires self-awareness and a healthy dose of humility.? Here's how to spot those crucial moments:
You have a clear vision and a plan to achieve it. You don't just have ideas; you have a roadmap to get there. You’re the architect and the builder of your dream.
You inspire and motivate others. You get people on board with your vision and get them fired up to join your journey.
You can handle pressure and make tough decisions. Leadership isn't sunshine and lollipops; it's about making calls, even the difficult ones.
There's a strong, competent leader already in charge.?
Don't try to reinvent the wheel if someone's already doing a great job steering the company ship.?
Being a loyal and valuable team player is crucial to any successful team.
The role aligns with your strengths and contributes to a bigger goal. Don't be afraid to be a rockstar employee; it's a fantastic way to develop your skills and learn from experienced leaders.
Getting Out of the Way:
You lack the experience or expertise required to lead or follow.?
Knowing your limitations is a strength, not a weakness. Don't be afraid to say, "I don't know" or "This path isn't for me."
Your ego might be bigger than your skills. > There's a difference between confidence and arrogance. If your ego prevents you from admitting you need to learn, it's time to step aside and find a role where you can grow.
Suppose the situation is toxic or unproductive. Sometimes, the best course of action is to walk away from a bad situation. Protect your energy and focus on environments where you can contribute positively.
Long story short, life's too short to be stuck daydreaming. Dig into your self-awareness, gain perspective about the situation you are assessing, and work out which category you fall into.?
You won't be a leader in everything, and you certainly won't always be following or getting out of the way either. So stay frosty, keep your head on a swivel, and always choose the best course of action based on a fair assessment of your capabilities for whatever you are trying to accomplish.
#Navyseals #selfassessment #selfawareness #leaders #followers #business
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