EIP-7212 Explainer

EIP-7212 Explainer

Blockchains can be likened to black boxes, which have states that change regularly. This state includes users' assets and data.

Users send directions to this black box to manage their assets and data by changing the state.

The state changes occur according to certain conditions, which are determined by the "state transition function". Every transaction creates a state change, and the state transition function has specific rules to determine valid transactions. These specific rules are referred to as "validity rules".

If a user initiates a transaction, they must adhere to certain validity rules for the Black Box to execute their transaction.

The state transition function in Ethereum is known as the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), and it is composed of Opcodes and Precompiled Contracts.

Currently, there are 9 precompiled contracts, each performing different functions. For instance, "Ecrecover” is a precompiled contract that recovers public addresses from the secp256k1 elliptic curve signatures, which is the only natively supported curve of Ethereum. But what is EIP-7212?

EIP-7212 proposes a new precompiled contract for the secp256r1 (P256) curve, which is widely used in the Web2 ecosystem. This precompiled contract integrates a new function into the state transition function, aiming to make the verification of the p256 curve cheap and secure.

ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) is the technique that blockchains utilize to verify ownership. It's also employed in the Web2 realm for systems such as Secure Enclave, Passkeys, DNS, TLS, and more. However, the specific curves chosen by blockchains and Web2 systems differ.

EIP-7212 seeks to integrate Web2 authentication methods into the Web3. Let's give some examples:

*Passkey: Passkey is an authentication technique suited for Web3 account management, but it's worth noting that Passkey only supports the p256 curve. https://twitter.com/doganeth_en/status/1690002422016417792

Secure Enclave: Secure Enclave is a distinct microchip found in nearly all Apple devices. This isolated chip safeguards users' confidential information. Furthermore, access to the Secure Enclave is limited to biometric authentication or a passcode.

Secure Enclave facilitates the generation of private keys that never exit the enclave and also allows for signing messages using the key generated within it. However, the sole curve that the Secure Enclave supports is p256. EIP-7212 addresses this problem.

Consequently, users can be onboarded to Web3 without encountering challenges related to key management. EIP-7212 offers numerous other applications. I'll refrain from detailing them here to keep this thread concise.


For those who have a keen interest in this topic and are considering offering their insights or contributions to the ongoing discussions, I would recommend checking the thread on the Ethereum Magicians Forum. https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/eip-7212-precompiled-for-secp256r1-curve-support/14789.



