Einstein's Big Idea: E=mc squared

Einstein's Big Idea: E=mc squared

When Einstein was 26 years old, he calculated precisely how energy must change if the relativity principle was correct, and he discovered the relation E = mc squared (which led to the Manhattan Project and ultimately to the bombs that exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945). This is now probably the only equation in physics that even people with no background in physics have at least heard of this and are aware of its prodigious influence on the world we live in. And since c is constant (because the maximum distance a light can travel in one second is 3 ×10 to the power of 8 meter), this equation tells us that mass and energy are interconvertible and are two different forms of the same thing and are in fact equivalent. Suppose a mass m is converted into energy E, the resulting energy carries mass = m and moves at the speed of light c. Hence, energy E is defined by E= mc squared. As we know c squared (the speed of light multiplied by itself) is an astronomically large number: 9 × 10 to the power of 16 meters square per second square. So if we convert a small amount of mass, we'll get a tremendous amount of energy. For example, if we convert 1kg of mass, we'll get energy of 9 × 10 to the power of 16 Joules (i.e., the energy more than 1 million times the energy released in a chemical explosion. Perhaps since c is not just the constant namely the maximum distance a light can travel in one second but rather a fundamental feature of the way space and time are married to form space-time. One can think that in the presence of unified space and time, mass and energy are equivalent and interchangeable. But WHY? The question lingers, unanswered. Until now. However, the equation E = mc squared has some remarkable consequences (e.g. conversion of less than 1% of 2 pounds of uranium into energy was used in the atomic bomb over Hiroshima and body at rest still contains energy. When a body is moving, it carries an additional energy of motion called kinetic energy. In chemical and nuclear interactions, kinetic energy can be converted into rest energy, which is equivalent to generating mass. Also, the rest energy can be converted into kinetic energy. In that way, chemical and nuclear interactions can generate kinetic energy, which then can be used to run engines or blow things up). Because E = mc squared, the energy which a body possess due to its motion will add to its rest mass. This effect is only really significant for bodies moving at speeds close to the speed of light. For example, at 10 percent of the speed of light a body's mass "M" is only 0.5 percent more than its rest mass "m", while at 90 percent of the speed of light it would be more than twice its rest mass. And as an body approaches the speed of light, its mass raise ever more quickly, it acquire infinite mass and since an infinite mass cannot be accelerated any faster by any force, the issue of infinite mass remains an intractable problem. For this reason all the bodies are forever confined by relativity to move at speeds slower than the speed of light. Only tiny packets/particles of light (dubbed "photons" by chemist Gilbert Lewis) that have no intrinsic mass can move at the speed of light. There is little disagreement on this point. Now, being more advanced, we do not just consider conclusions like photons have no intrinsic mass. We constantly test them, trying to prove or disprove. So far, relativity has withstood every test. And try as we might, we can measure no mass for the photon. We can just put upper limits on what mass it can have. These upper limits are determined by the sensitivity of the experiment we are using to try to weigh the photon. The last number we can see that a photon, if it has any mass at all, must be less than 4 ×10 to the power of ? 48 grams. For comparison, the electron has a mass of 9 × 10 to the power of ? 28 grams. Moreover, if the mass of the photon is not considered to zero, then quantum mechanics would be in trouble. And it also an uphill task to conduct an experiment which proves the photon mass to be exactly zero. Tachyons the putative class of hypothetical particles (with negative mass: m < 0) is believed to travel faster than the speed of light. But, the existence of tachyons is still in question and if they exist, how can they be detected is still a? However, on one thing most physicists agree: (Just because we haven't found anything yet that can go faster than light doesn't mean that we won't one day have to eat our words. We should be more open-minded to other possibilities that just may not have occurred to us). Moreover, in expanding space ? recession velocity keeps increasing with distance. Beyond a certain distance, known as the Hubble distance, it exceeds the velocity greater than the speed of light in vacuum. But, this is not a violation of relativity, because recession velocity is caused not by motion through space but by the expansion of space.

If we could peer into the fabric of space-time at the Planck length (the distance where the smoothness of relativity’s space-time and the quantum nature of reality begin to rub up against each other), we would see the 4 dimensional fabric of space-time is simply the lowest energy state of the universe. It is neither empty nor uninteresting, and its energy is not necessarily zero (which was discovered by Richard Feynman, a colorful character who worked at the California Institute of Technology and played the bongo drums at a strip joint down the road? for which he received Nobel Prize for physics in 1965). Because E = mc squared, one can think that the virtual particle-antiparticle pairs of mass "m" are continually being created out of energy "E" of the 4 dimensional fabric of space-time consistent with the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics (which tells us that from a microscopic vantage point there is a tremendous amount of activity and this activity gets increasingly agitated on ever smaller distance and time scales), and then, they appear together at some time, move apart, then come together and annihilate each other giving energy back to the space-time without violating the law of energy conservation (which has not changed in four hundred years and still appear in relativity and quantum mechanics). Spontaneous births and deaths of virtual particles so called quantum fluctuations occurring everywhere, all the time ? is the conclusion that mass and energy are interconvertible; they are two different forms of the same thing. However, spontaneous births and deaths of so called virtual particles can produce some remarkable problem, because infinite number of virtual pairs of mass "m" can be spontaneously created out of energy "E" of the 4 dimensional fabric of space-time, does the 4 dimensional fabric of space-time bears an infinite amount of energy, therefore, by Einstein's famous equation E = mc squared, does it bears an infinite amount of mass. If so, according to general relativity, the infinite amount of mass would have curved up the universe to infinitely small size. But which obviously has not happened.

Clifford Oliver

Independent Researcher Thermodynamics

5 年

Plus Nucleation

Clifford Oliver

Independent Researcher Thermodynamics

5 年




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