Eighth year anniversary of UK Air Comms.
The UK Air Comms Team. Shot from an Away-Day in 2022.

Eighth year anniversary of UK Air Comms.

January 2023 marks the 8th year anniversary of UK Air Comms – lots of R&D came before this, however it’s good to look back at how we started with the simple mission of building a service using drone technology in the mobile infrastructure market.

Mike Kitchen and I had many up and down moments, while trying to create change and challenge the more outdated methods of survey. I look at more and more projects and companies that are now adopting this approach and although it was surprising to hear so many voices say, ‘well we have always done it this way’. It is great to say that plenty of people listened and shared the vision and its thanks to them that this is proving to be such a powerful and beneficial way of working.

We continue to adopt new technology and create ideas to push further but for now it’s nice to reflect for a moment…

Thanks to everyone for their support,

Bryn Harvey .

#dronetechnology #technology #telecoms


