Eight ways AR wins referrals from B2B tech analysts
Duncan Chapple
Analyst Relations lead for Elisa IndustriQ & Elisa Polystar @ SageCircle | Research Associate @ UEBS | LBS MBA | INSEADer
I just participated in today's great discussion group led by Chris Germann , Noelle C. Shipley and Robin Schaffer (and hosted by The IIAR> (Institute of Influencer & Analyst Relations) on sales enablement. I shared my thoughts on how important case studies and use cases are, but there was much more on my mind.
To use referrals more effectively in the context of Analyst Relations (AR), it is important to define them first. Referrals in this context are the practice of analysts referring vendors to potential clients or the use of analyst quotes and endorsements in marketing and sales materials.
Referrals come from relationships
Most importantly, almost all referrals and recommendations from analysts come after they have been informed by the providers they recommend and have built a relationship with them. Winning referrals is one of the benefits of AR, and you can only expect them after building the right rapport.
Use cases and case studies are key resources because of problem content and sweet-spot context. They contain concrete examples of the sort of problems your solutions solve. Looking at these examples gives analysts the context about your firm's sweet spot: where it is playing most strongly.
You build analyst relations by contributing useful insights about client value and building trust. That means the eight things you need to do to win sales recommendations are also key to giving analysts insights.
Help them learn if you want to earn.
This is how world-class AR programs win more analyst recommendations
By focusing on these strategies, you can enhance the effectiveness of referrals in your AR program, increasing visibility, credibility, and, ultimately, more business opportunities.
Great post Duncan. Many brands seem to miss the mark on Analyst Relations and see it as a one-way transaction (ie we send some information to an analyst and tick a box) Point #2 is powerful. Every interaction with an analyst is a chance to learn, influence, share ideas and insights, and prove your credibility. Our research shows that, out of all comms functions, brands are finding Analyst Relations the hardest to do. These tips will help
Director, Analyst Relations
4 个月Can I have a favorite? I choose #1!! Plus this one essentially encompasses the next 4. Next for me would be number 5...
COO at SageCircle, transforming analyst relations
4 个月Sounds like I missed a great discussion!