Eight Sales Practices you may have forgotten
Nobody is perfect – but we can all improve!?A reminder of Nine Sales Critical Success Factors
Looking to succeed in sales? In order to do so, you're going to need to consider a few reminders of critical habits for successful selling. No matter what your situation is, you must have a sales-focused mindset to succeed in the industry. Here are nine sales critical success factors that will ultimately lead to you adopting the right mindset and thriving in the business:
1. Be Proactively Prospecting
The only person who can make a change in your life is you. When colleagues and clients wake up in the morning, they aren't thinking about you and how they can assist you in reaching your own personal goals. Because of this, you need to take the initiative yourself and be proactive. If you are not proactively prospecting for about 20% of your time, you're setting yourself up to lose in the game.
2. Forget the "Value Proposition"
Don't dwell on yourself and your company. Learn to unlearn the "value proposition" framework, and instead, consider the value of the "Business Impact Statement" (BIS). The "Business Impact Statement" is it focused on improving your prospects and business outcomes.
3. Maintain Self-Motivation
Those who look to others to guide them are not going to be successful. As we mentioned earlier, the only person who can get you to where you need to go is yourself. Look in the mirror—that's who can change your life.
4. Use the Tools to Implement
When it comes down to it, the tools you need to succeed are provided to you when you engage in marketing. Despite this, these tools don't implement themselves. In other words, marketing provides you with the tools, and once you've got them, are responsible for the implementation.
5. Research Your Prospect
The workforce isn't a high school biology presentation. You can't go into something without the knowledge base to back it up. So, if you have not researched the prospect before you go onto a call, don't go onto the call at all. You owe it to everyone involved to be informed, and if you aren't don't waste people's time (your own included).
6. Facilitate a Business Conversation
Your job is not to give us a presentation on the latest technology. We can figure that out ourselves. Instead, your job is to facilitate a business conversation. Talk business, and don't waste time with tangents about technology—it makes you look uninformed.
7. Learn to Conduct a "Back of the Napkin" Presentation
People don't have all day to listen to your insights. So, learn how to conduct a "back of the napkin" solution impact presentation. These presentations will include a short outline of what the business impact will be. Be sure to have an initial quantification and be able to communicate how your plan will improve the business outcomes for the prospects. Keep things short, clear, and convincing.
8. Don't Waste Time with Price Negotiation
You might think you'll reach a consensus when you negotiate prices, but when it comes down to it, those who negotiate prices never win. Take a long look at the information you were presented with, and instead of focusing on haggling down the price, find other ways to come to a solution. For example, change the original proposal to include more seats, have longer contract terms and more.
9. Get Comfortable Saying "NO"
We've all been taught to say "yes," but the truth is, it's just as important to learn to say "no"—maybe even more important. As early as possible, be ready to either qualify or disqualify the opportunity. The faster you do this, the faster you'll be on track to succeeding.?
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