Eight main challenges people in leadership roles often running into and What is the solution ?

Eight main challenges people in leadership roles often running into and What is the solution ?

I often say that majority of people are “Sleep walking” they are just not aware that “they are sleep walking” living by hormones of stress 24/7 become their normal state of being!

What I often experience with clients in leadership positions I’m working with:

1. The need to constantly control everything in your outside environment, because you can’t predict the outcome.

2. You can’t fall asleep at night, or you fall asleep and then you wake up at the middle of the night and you can’t sleep. You take sleeping pills hoping it will get better, but it doesn’t.

3.You have a fear of failure that you try to mask with aggressive, sarcastic behavior or not even trying because if you don’t try you can’t fail.

4.You crave to have more time and space for yourself and your family, but you can’t set boundaries.

5.You want to have someone who will listen and hear you.

6.You wake up in the morning and first thought popping into your mind “What my annoying boss is going to do today?” “How I’m going to finish this project? “Why my staff is not completing their projects on time?” and on the top of it you have kids to drop off and pick up , house chores , challenges with your spouse ?list goes on you can finish it ??

7.You are not patient you want everything happen quickly! So, you can move onto another thing, running empty.

8.You react to people, places, news and you are not even aware you are doing it!

Now there is two ways you can change your life

You can change in state of love and inspiration, or you can change your life in state of desperation or third option I don’t want anyone to experience but it happens you won’t have time to change because it is too late, and you have serious illness.

When you become less responsive to environmental triggers you are also more patient, more loving, more kind. When you are less reactive to your environment your immune system is stronger. You don’t need any pills or antidepressants your brain can make your own pharmacy of chemicals that will heal you.

?In fact, studies in neuroscience say that only 2% of diseases are genetic the rest is the product of the environment. The end product of your experience is EMOTION the chemical that your brain releases. ?

I have healed three autoimmune conditions using my own brain pharmacy!!

What is your environment looking like?

Is it happy and loving environment full of inspiration, enthusiasm, gratitude , love, presence, certainty regardless your current circumstances or is it full of fear, stress , worry and doubts ?

See life is always going to be challenging but that’s never about the events it is about story you create in your head about the events in your life.

What if the emotional reactions you experience in your life were feedback mechanisms is letting you know you are likely not being fully mindful, not being present not seeing full picture.

When you see only one side of any situation, you are likely to be reacting instead of acting, and biased instead of objective and neutral. You are constantly seeking and avoiding not willing to see full picture or you just perceive that you can’t see it.

Everything has two sides like day and night, and it always will be this way! So, you are not reacting and getting upset when night is coming because you want still the light or when it is raining because you know after rain there will be sun.

It is the same with everything in life simple but not easy for majority of people.

So if you perceive that an individual or situation has more advantages then disadvantages , more positives then negatives , more ups then downs , and more pleasure then pain you will activate a parasympathetic system with an impulse to seek and avoid to see the full picture and only later you will discover the disadvantages and you will blame and regret.

On the other side where you feel a subconscious desire to withdraw from, resent, dislike, judge an individual, event or situation. In those instances, you are perceiving more downsides, a disconfirmation bias on the upsides, a false positive on the downsides and a false negative on the upside. So, you are trying to avoid run away you activate your “Fight or Flight “Sympathetic nervous system.??

They are nothing more than emotional reactions of imbalanced perceptions about reality. Any time you have an imbalanced perception, you will either seek or avoid, have impulse towards or instinct away from. You are not seeing the whole picture. You are running on “Fight or Flight “responses.

This is what keeping you awake at night, this is why you are depressed, anxious and fearful! and no pills on earth will help you with that!

If you look carefully at your life and what triggers you, more likely you will notice that it is a pattern you keep running into anything you trying to avoid.

There is a downside to that which you are seeking, and an upside to that which you are trying to avoid. Until you communicate that clearly with your boss, staff, spouse not coming from energy of Need but coming from place of love, inspiration, gratitude, certainty you will be running in phantasies on “Fight or Flight “ stress responses.

Your resilience, adaptability, and physiological homeostasis requires balance of the two branches of your autonomic nervous ?system sympathetic and parasympathetic involving support and challenge, seek and avoid , pleasure and pain.

Are you feeling same feelings, think same thoughts and secretly whish your life will change ? that would be nice but it doesn’t work this way!

When you finish your day there is going to be always more emails to reply, more things to do this crazy demand pushed us into multitasking but the truth is our brain can’t multitask we are shifting our energy from one thing to another and we are not focused, we are not present our focus, our energy is everywhere and at the same time nowhere!!

So, you never experience reality of your boss, your staff member, your spouse you are experiencing that familiar thinking and feeling about your boss, your staff members, your spouse. You activate same neurocircuits in your brain from past emotional experiences what they said or did to you! This again once sided perception about reality. This is your belief that is based on feelings you experienced in the past! It is not reality!

Now when you know how to master your emotional intelligence and open your heart living by your highest values in life , which means that you know what they are with your Heart and you speak them at your work, with your boss, with your staff, with your spouse .

In this case, the blood, glucose and oxygen go into the forebrain and activate the prefrontal cortex or your executive brain. This is higher and more advanced part of the brain has nerve fibers that go down into the amygdala to calm down “Fight or Flight “ responses. In other words, it calms down the impulses and instincts and stabilizes your life.

In this way, your executive center can govern your behavior and allow you to strategically plan true objectives that you can see with your inspired vision so you can make things happen.

How are you filling your day are you filling your day with high priority actions or low priority distraction?

How do you spend your energy? Are you mindful of how you spend your energy?

Remember that love is synchronicity of all opposites.

So emotional reactions occur because of imbalanced perceptions of your reality, story you tell yourself about past events and emotions you carry from your past. If you feel emotion of your past, you can’t create a new future, you need to feel emotion of your future neurologically first.

So, connect to your heart elevated emotions of Love, Gratitude, Presence, Inspiration, Worthiness, Certainty, Joy practice for 10 min daily and you will see that you will stop overthinking everything and you will become less fearful of what may go wrong! Your heart has its own brain it doesn’t think but it has thousands of neurons and communicates with your brain in powerful way.

?If you want to be heard and listened to ?, if you want to know how to move from “Fight or Flight” stress responses how to be aware of them, how to identify them and have tools to balance your perception ,if you want to create more time and space for yourself and your family , if you want to understand more your staff members , your spouse , your bosses book FREE call with me. I can guarantee you will walk with more clarity and certainty you have nothing to lose it is FREE 40-50min call ??


Greg Yon

Regional Director at CFO Centre Pty Ltd

2 年

This article resonates with me ! Thanks for sharing ????


