Eigenfunctions as Algorithms of Music, Art, and Design
08/22/2021 - Enough loss of closed-ness of a quantum system from physical systems activities and all quantum eigenfunctions can be voided by the system becoming an open system and there, and then, no or a minimum of quantum eigenfunction activities can occur [the collapse of the eigenfunctions]
Orca Breaching [thumbnail above] - Buy full size at:?https://www.freespiritgallery.ca/Items/npr-12.htm -?Free Spirit Gallery.
Eigenfunctions in symbolism.
Harmonics in Music and Art
This Applies to Poetry Also
My first textbooks were for my algorithm course. I designed the course too, at Metro State. Later I wrote textbooks for other computer courses, at various schools, that were basically algorithms used to help learn the programming in those courses. Reverse Engineering the Universe was the beginning of my quest for the algorithms of the universe. The books that followed, as I recognize now, were studies of algorithms [not necessarily computer program algorithms] in different areas. Also see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/open-closed-systems-jerome-heath/?trackingId=llS4QtrXNrYmcwDC0jqsBw%3D%3D
Notice that in algorithm textbooks the pictures are part of or maybe most of the argument for what we are talking about on this subject matter or page. Check out Mary Loomis texts as examples.?She remains the most accepted algorithm textbook writer. My algorithm texts are much more that way; the pictures where most, if not all, of the argument. Note that my textbooks were successful in teaching algorithms and programming in general.
So now I am writing about the algorithms of the universe (from some kind of reverse engineering) and the importance of the pictures, as part of the argument, is still there. It is sometimes paramount. [i.e.] Mental Data Processing is just an algorithm text about the mind - instead of the computer. It is about looking at the processing of the mind from an algorithm perspective and not just "Newtonian" processes ['Newtonian' is a misnomer since Newton was not a "Newtonian" He was an Alchemist or of what I call the pre-Copenhagen school].
This effort is about [not necessarily mathematical] eigenfunctions as the algorithm base for understanding art and design. Of course, here in this work, much of the argument is in the music; but the pictures are also important.
The music (itself [‘einander’]) "Speaks".
Tchaikovsky - Hymn of the Cherubim
Wagner - Magic Fire Music (Die Valkure) - Symphonic Poem
This is part of the apocalyptic Ring. The fire is part of the action here, but also prediction, revelation [The Apocalypse According to Wagner]. The music "Speaks" in the blending of themes as the ultimate story
[The ultimate symphonic poem: The Ride of the Valkyries - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeRwBiu4wfQ].
The Great Wave
The picture by Hokusai is a symphonic poem theme and variation. But the theme is not a melody but a primitive (the mountain) that is used like a melody with variations (variations of how and how much of the primitive is used). The combination is one the most awesome pictures ever produced. The "eye" (da afta) only sees the picture. The back of the mind (da befo) sees the combinations of primitives as harmonics [Attached to Archetypes of interpretation]. This is Eigenfunctions in symbolism.
Other Art of Similar Construction
Van Gogh - Starry Night - The brush stroke methodology is the primitive.
Monet - Woman with Parasol - One of the best uses of this technique! - The Brush strokes are the primitives.
Orca - Buy full size at: https://www.freespiritgallery.ca/Items/npr-12.htm Free Spirit Gallery. Eigenfunctions in symbolism.
The smaller version of the whole (and sometimes in this art the smaller version of parts done in similar primitive style) are used as primitives. This shows that in indigenous art the primitives are not abstract - since abstract is an attempt at art without pattern. Supposedly the concept here is that the Eurocentric scholars do not take time to understand the pattern - it is not European - so they assume it is abstract - which it is not, absolutely. Indigenous art would definitely have patterns and not be abstract. To think otherwise is an insult to indigenous populations. These patterns would be based on constraints in the lives and work of the indigenous people. Since we did not [nor want to] know their lives we did not recognize the pattern as real, not abstract.
Sunrise Imagined Vision of Orca as the Sun breaching over Diamondhead
African Mask - You can buy one: https://www.wayfair.com/Bloomsbury-Market--Hand-Carved-African-Mask-With-Raffia-Wall-Décor-X114219783-L6851-K~W003108672.html?refid=GX434218049406-W003108672&device=c&ptid=903950880681&network=g&targetid=pla-903950880681&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=111085819&fdid=1817&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvcCuxsL17AIVB77ACh1ahgwKEAQYBSABEgKN6PD_BwE wayfair
The primitives are in the simplicity of the forms.
In Music
Moonlight Sonata - The simple is beautiful!
Debussy - Reverie - Still simple; still beautiful!
The Moldau
A composer needs to visualize the result before they can write a symphony like this. Here the visualization is stunning. You sense you are by the river or perhaps right on the river. The symphony is parallel to The Great Wave picture in describing the harmonics of the situation, through Eigenfunctions.
To me the flute duet in the symphony represents the surface of the water - that is - what we immediately see or feel as we are by the river?(and when we listen to the music).
The rest of the orchestra is filling in the harmonics of this theme and the symphonic harmonics of the river. Two flutes are needed because there is more than one harmonic in the song of the surface.
One could write a Shroedinger [wave] equation that specifies, as a differential equation, the constraints on the river (and its molecules). The solution (or solutions) [the integration of this differential equation] to the wave equation is a way of defining the possible "life" of the river. We, in wave theory, argue over just what the solution formulas represent of the river (or whatever we are studying) and of its molecules (what I call the "life" of the river here). But the solutions in the musical case [or many other design cases] are not static so we don't hang the solutions our to dry by requiring a strict mathematical solution, but find neat "artistic" ways of expressing the system that are solving our wave equation. Here, in the symphony, the "life" is represented in a different math - the math of music.
In the music the life of the river is represented at different times by different musical personalities [distinguished in both time and place of the reality that is described]. To the extent that the river is a closed system all these personalities could be present at the same time. But as an open system the "river" would choose the personality for right now, that is based on existing conditions like local wind, amount of water flowing in the river (yesterday's rain upstream), and maybe an effect from local temperature. It is a mathematical choice based on probabilities. Actually, the river like a canyon for wind processes, appears to be a hybrid system [a mathematical, equivalent, resonance hybrid for multiple, limited, possibilities]. If the system is more open the "chosen" eigenfunction becomes the present personality of the river.?If the system is totally closed then each of these eigenfunctions are represented all at the same time. The hybrid is a system that contains more than one algorithm present at the same time and separately recognisable. In the symphony eigenfunctions are represented by a musical theme or themes instead of a mathematical formula. Many can appear together in the symphony if they are harmonic (in tones and in relation to sympathetic themes).
The eigenfunctions here are harmonic (with each other) so they are likely a "set" of eigenfunctions. This is how a symphony should be done. Partial (differential) solutions can lead to eigenfunctions that are not necessarily harmonic. A river, to a great extent, is a fairly closed system (bound and constrained in many ways) so more than one solution eigenfunction may be active at a time [the conception here - and the reason for the designation of resonance hybrid - is that the molecules of the fiver are following more than on algorithm t the same time - impossible except under the recognition of resonance, which is, in wave mechanics, similar to tunneling,
[Accept in a closed canyon (that is mostly closed) wind is an open system. But we should consider a dense city with many - many large buildings (say Waikiki) a closed system, like a canyon. It may depend on specifics in defining the equations.]
The ending of the symphony is interesting since dynamic solutions of wave equations don't ever end. The river has no quantifiable end [it appears at one end from various sources and flows out into an ocean or lake where it diffuses into its new wave equation over some distance] but a symphony needs an ending. The composer, then, must pick a spot and say we will end; {!} here.
If you hum along, make sure it is in harmony with the rest.
Smetana: Vltava (The Moldau) - Stunning Performance
Describing the eigenfunctions by examples:
Flute Duet - The Surface Eigenfunction
Be sure to click the sound on [click on audio symbol at the bottom to get sound] . . .
Die Moldau for Flute Choir (they are adding back into the music, some Eigenfunctions - but, sorry, no cymbal player having fun in the back row)
The personalities of the river are in layers, or based on changes in time and place, or in our focus. So they are theme and variation, or harmonics, and ultimately eigenfunctions expressed in music.
Bedrich Smetana’s The Moldau (Vltava)?-?Special Images Augment the Symphony
Softly and Tenderly - NAC Silvertown - Symphonic Poem [click on audio symbol at bottom, right to get sound].
Ave Maria with Trip to Elizabeth
Cavalleria Rusticana Intermezzo - Tone Poem - Need anyone say more!
Warwick School of Music (Are all the stops out? How long is that organ pipe?)
Sing - Symphonic Poem.
There are also excellent versions of "Sing" presented by the The Mormon Tabernacle choir, organ, and orchestra.
Books That Led Me by Example to Develop these Artistic Concepts, Designs, and Styles
Some Proofs for Harmonics
Art by Harmonics
A Japanese Art Technique that uses the Laws of Physics to create Geometric Masterpieces.
First something like sawdust is spread thinly on the table. Then the table is caused to vibrate and additional (special) vibrating force is added by running a bumpy small wheel across the edge of the table (different wheels produce different effects).
Event of vibration - Kenichi Kanazawa
Just this, absolutely proves much of my concept of harmonics is true.
This also proves the wave equation, here in this pattern, is a partial differential equation. The two sets of nodes are each a separate solution (allowed under a partial differential equation) since the two are not harmonics of each other. 4 is not a harmonic of 10.
Images From: Alina Panduru
Walkalong Glider
Below is a Walkalong Glider used to demonstrate the physics of flying to young kids. The phenomenon is often referred as “controllable slope soaring”.
A walkalong glider is a light material plane (foam or paper usually) that uses the air current deflected, by a cardboard or similar material, to fly. The physics behind this are very similar to the ground effect for planes.
Image From: Alina Panduru
I believe it was Jaynes that said, in one of his articles, that there was a degrees of freedom uncertainty that went up with increasing degrees of freedom; and he would prove that later. He said that about a lot of things but often forget to do those proofs.
The issue is that as uncertainty goes up we lose the possibility of following the process with Newtonian equations (we loose reversibility). In my view we then trade reversibility for a wave equation. If there are no particularly interesting constraints the “wave” equation is a boring distribution. But with interesting constraints like eagles wings, we have interesting things happen to the wave equation. The wings, or tall buildings, or tall canyon walls becomes nodes in the system. Then the wave equation becomes a distribution of (here, fast moving) molecules that “fit” well into the combination of constraints including our nodes. Fitting well, here, makes it looks a lot like the nodes are “attractors”.
This is all describing things from the Copenhagen School view as it applies wave mechanics at the physical level.
Ground Effect Harmonic Attractor
These are wave equations that determine the flow of moving air (molecules). (This is not the same as stationary waves in water [swells].) The constraints cause the air motion to follow a path that is harmonically predictable. There are nodes of tall buildings or of eagles wings.
The Walkalong Glider picture above is referred to as ground effect; but the ground must be considered a node in any wave equation.
The wing of an aircraft (in motion) is definitely a node.
Images From: Rubén Mingoarranz Pérez (in the walkalong glider picture above).
I first saw this under Alina Panduru and later with the video above. Note other projets coming from Ruben Mingoarranz Perez in his LinkedIn site below.
Images, I saw, were originally From: Alina Panduru https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/alinapanduru/
[ Inter-Nodal Areas
The concept is that the follow along "canyon" is a piece of paper which effects the air around it like ground effect. It looks like a canyon wall are effective in that eagles can do their gliding next to and with the help of them. My take is that the paper "canyon wall" is a automatically a node for local "wind". The attractor action is not some weird form of gravity; but the wind takes on a wave pattern in which the highest peak of wind force is near the [any] node and the further wave heights of the wave equation descend rapidly - which makes a node look like an attractor. The longer the node surface "higher canyon walls or greater building height" the more "effective or closer and higher the first peak" is to the node. The lightweight plane "like an eagle" is also an attractor so it forms the same kind of wave pattern in the vicinity of the wings like other nodes.
Accept in a closed canyon (that is mostly closed) wind is an open system. But should we consider a dense city with many - many large buildings (say Waikiki) a closed system, like a canyon [a weird canyon]? It may depend on specifics in defining the equations.
But I have, also, found what I call inter-nodal urban areas. In such city areas the wind is “very low” because there are too many quite small buildings (1 to 3 stories) together, and there are no tall buildings nearby. The wind is just not “attracted” to anything special [no special nodes - thus my term, inter-nodal]; so the wind is not as apparent. The picture below shows the mirror like reflection from the Ala Wai. Any significant wind and the surface of the Ala Wai would be rippled and the mirror disrupted - leading to boring pictures.
Note: The Ala Wai is like a mirror
This is in an inter-nodal area around the Ala Wai - area of smaller buildings on one side and no buildings nearby on the other side. The buildings showing on the other side are blocks away from the canal - on University. ]
Also refer to: Open and Closed Systems
Also see:?Harmonic View of Creation
Orca Breaching as the Sunrise Again
The books are sold by Google - you need to have or to create a Google Login
The music "Speaks". The art "Speaks". The poem "Speaks".
The books are sold by Google - you need to have or to create a Google Login
Eigenfunctions in Art and Design
Eigenfunctions are the Algorithms of the Universe
This Little Light of Mine
Light a Candle for Peace
O God Above All Praising (Lyric Video)
Music from Gustav Holst