Eid-ul-Adha : Lesson for Kids
Photo credit: WSJ

Eid-ul-Adha : Lesson for Kids

Once upon a time in the land of Airegin, there lived a brave boy named Big Shoe. He was getting ready for the exciting festival called Eid-ul-Adha, where families celebrate and offer sacrifices to show their love for Allah SWT. Big Shoe's father had bought a magnificent ram for the special occasion.

"Remember, Big Shoe, take good care of this ram. Bring it back to me without a scratch!" warned Big Shoe's dad with a serious face. Big Shoe promised that he would return the ram safely, but he had a mischievous plan in mind.

You see, in those days, kids in the village loved to have fun with their Sallah rams by organizing ram fights. They would cheer and see whose ram was the strongest and bravest. Big Shoe's little brother, Ahmet, was in on the secret plan. He whispered, "Let's take the ram for a ram fight, but we must keep it a secret from Dad!"

Big Shoe agreed with a mischievous grin and quietly told Ahmet, "You're right! We'll have so much fun, and Dad will never know."

The ram that Mr. Abdul-Azeez (or Imalof as the kids called him) bought for Eid-ul-Adha was a Balami Ram. It was a special kind of ram with a fluffy white coat and a big, curved head. It had long ears and a long tail too. It looked really strong and powerful, just like Big Shoe imagined.

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Big Shoe and his brothers arrived at the ram fighting spot with excitement bubbling inside them. "Look at my ram! It's the best in the whole village!" Big Shoe shouted proudly to his friend Hafeez. "He's big and has amazing horns!"

"Oh no, Big Shoe, please don't do this! My Wuda ram is calm, but he can get really fierce when provoked. I'm worried for your Balami ram," Hafeez warned, but Big Shoe didn't listen.

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Photo credit: afrimash.com

"My ram is fearless!", insisted Big Shoe."Then let the fight begin!" exclaimed Yusuf, the oldest among the teenagers, who acted as the referee.

And so, the Rams faced each other in the arena. Big Shoe's Balami ram charged forward, full of energy and determination. It aggressively hit the Wuda ram's horns with a loud "Baaaam!" The crowd of kids cheered and shouted in excitement.

The Balami ram didn't stop there. It attacked the Wuda ram once again, "Gbow!" The atmosphere was electrifying, and Big Shoe couldn't help but laugh and mock Hafeez.

"You see, Hafeez? I told you my ram is the best! He's winning!" Big Shoe boasted.

Hafeez smiled and said, "Keep watching, Big Shoe. You're in for a big surprise!"

As the crowd of onlookers yelled and cheered, something unexpected happened. The Wuda ram started moving strangely. It took a few steps back, then suddenly charged forward with a powerful force, like a horse on a mission. With a mighty strike, it hit the Balami ram with all its might, causing a loud "Kraaak!" sound.

Yusuf quickly stopped the fight and rushed to separate the Rams. Everyone gathered around, worried and scared. To their dismay, they discovered that the Balami ram had a broken horn.

"Oh no! What have we done?" cried Hafeez. "Big Shoe, we're in big trouble now."

Big Shoe sat on the ground, his heart heavy with regret. "Dad is going to be so angry with me. I've let him down," he said, full of remorse.

Hafeez gently spoke, feeling sorry for his friend. "I warned you, Big Shoe, his voice filled with concern. "I told you this would happen. You should have listened."

Big Shoe and Hafeez couldn't hold back their tears. They knew that their parents would find out about the forbidden ram fight, and they would have to face the consequences. The two boys hugged each other tightly, seeking comfort in their friendship.

Just then, Big Shoe's father and Hafeez's mother arrived at the scene. They had heard the commotion and rushed to see what had happened. Their faces turned serious as they saw the broken horn of the Balami ram.

"What is going on here?" Big Shoe's father asked, his voice stern. Hafeez's mother looked worried as well.

With a trembling voice, Big Shoe confessed, "Dad, we took the ram for a ram fight. We didn't mean for this to happen."

His father's expression softened as he realized his son's remorse. "Big Shoe, what you did was wrong. Ram fights are not meant for the sacred occasion of Eid-ul-Adha. But I can see that you regret your actions."

Hafeez's mother spoke gently, "Hafeez, I am disappointed in you too. We must remember the true meaning of Eid-ul-Adha and the sacrifice it represents."

Both boys nodded, their eyes filled with genuine remorse and understanding.

Big Shoe's father sighed and said, "We will have to make amends for what has happened. We will take care of the ram's injury and offer another ram?sacrifice in its place, to make up for this."

Hafeez's mother nodded in agreement. "And you two," she said, addressing Big Shoe and Hafeez, "will help with the preparations for the feast. You will learn the importance of responsibility and respect."

As the village prepared for the Eid-ul-Adha celebration, Big Shoe and Hafeez worked side by side, learning valuable lessons about accountability and the true spirit of the festival. They helped mend the broken horn of the Balami ram and made sure it received proper care and attention.

On the day of the feast, everyone gathered to offer their sacrifices and share delicious meals together. Big Shoe's father, Hafeez's mother, and the entire community embraced forgiveness and celebrated the joyous occasion, reminding themselves of the importance of repentance and second chances.

From that day forward, Big Shoe and Hafeez became wiser and more responsible. They cherished the true meaning of Eid-ul-Adha, always remembering the lesson they had learned. And whenever they looked at the Balami ram, with its one horn intact, they were reminded of the consequences of their actions and the power of forgiveness.

And so, in the land of Airegin, the story of Big Shoe and Hafeez became a tale of redemption and growth, teaching children the value of honesty, compassion, and the true spirit of Eid-ul-Adha.

Happy Eid-ul-Adha celebrations and thanks for reading!

#eid #adha #muslim #sallah #redemption #forgiveness


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