EHS Software sales, easy right?
As some of you may be aware, I develop and distribute EHS software.
That began a couple of months ago and, currently, 8 systems have been sold. Clearly that is a milestone to be aimed for (well, if you put some zeroes after it).
However, due to the fact that the market is huge and there are many competitors I have decided to act as a wholesaler and sell to consultants and sales people.
There are no targets set by me, the intended relationship is simply wholesaler to retailer.
So with that in mind I don’t limit who to sell to or areas.
There are no upfront costs – this isn’t a franchise. The only time you have to pay anything is if you sell the software and you need to pay for it.
The price you sell it at is up to you. .
That said, selling EHS software is perhaps not the easiest task in the world. It is a busy market place. It is possible to make some good earnings from this but there will be no pressure from me as I realise it is not easy.
This is the start of this endeavour and the first batch of messages were sent out last week to people inviting them to consider selling software. So, currently I have no examples of success or otherwise to show you.
I am aware that EHS consultants will all have their own ideas about what questions should be asked on forms (such as risk assessment) so I am happy to tweak the system and ensure people end up with something that they are happy selling.
Similarly, your brand can be added. There is the choice of selling it as Cantiaci, which may have advantages as the brand grows, or your own brand to make it more personal.
I will be available to provide a demonstration disc as well as general information for clients in pdf form.
At his stage I don’t know if I will have one consultant taking this up or a thousand. The former is good because it gives exclusivity and the latter is good if you have an idea to develop.
Last but not least, if you have an idea for software that needs to be developed we can do that together. If the idea comes to fruition then that will become part of the brand and sold by you and other consultants acting as retailers. Which means you can get some profit from what you sell as well as profit from other consultants sell.
I hope that makes sense – and good business sense.
As always, I am available for questions etc. on email [email protected]
I don’t want to over sell this, as it can be tough, but I think it is a good opportunity.