Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine Department of Gastrointestinal and Oncological Surgery
Classico, Inc. (Tokyo,JAPAN) "Sensibility for the medical field around the world"
Hospital and team introduction
The Department of Gastrointestinal Oncology Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Ehime University, is a medical department that handles gastrointestinal oncology surgery and pediatric surgery. It targets esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, general surgical diseases, and pediatric surgical diseases. Minimally invasive treatment is one of the clinical themes, and we began endoscopic surgery in 1990 and currently perform many robotic surgeries as well.
Purpose and impressions of introducing team lab coats and scrubs
"The colors and materials used in our department create a sense of unity among staff."
Vice Director of Ehime University Hospital, Professor of Gastroenterology and Oncology Surgery, Dr. Yuji Watanabe
I have known about Classico for some time. The white coats I have used for a long time are Classico, and I have been wearing the newly introduced "DECO Scrubs" for several years. To increase the sense of unity among the staff in our department, we chose "DECO Scrubs" to select a color and material that is not used in other departments. We compared scrubs from different companies and other Classico products and decided on this by majority vote. Initially, we planned to place the logo on the back, but this wasn't easy due to structural reasons, so we put it on the left sleeve. Students and ward staff have received it well.
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Team introduction products