Egypt’s relationship with the car - a poetic reflection
In Egypt, the car appears Cleopatra’s successor;?
In Egypt, cars partition much land, number of lanes adjudged on the fly;
In Egypt, cars are driven as Hyksos’ horses are ridden;
In Egypt, cars, many mummified, outnumber parking spaces;
In Egypt, hooting is a language entrenched;
In Egypt, pedestrians and cars dance I-dare-you, da capo al coda;
In Egypt, number plates wear makeup foundation;
In Egypt, heavy traffic flows, without warranted traffic lights;
In Egypt, prayers are intersection controls, my traffic flow theory in ruins;
In Egypt, AI, AV, EV and the like, remain hieroglyphics;
In Egypt, car soot rewrites the Black Death, perhaps Cleopatra’s asp;
In Egypt, I ask, why is regression better than progression?