The Egyptians Called India as "God's Land"
The Egyptians Called India as "God's Land"

The Egyptians Called India as "God's Land"

The Egyptians called India as "God's land" because India was in those days culturally very much developed.

The priest of ancient Egypt required vast quantities of aromatic plants for burning as incense; frankincense, myrrh and lavender were also used for embalmment purpose.

Herodotus has left us a sickening description of the great number of spices and scented ointments of which India was the center. Beauty products from India also attracted the women of Egypt.

//The cosmetic trade was entirely dependent on imports chiefly from India. The Pharaohs of the fifth and sixth dynasties made great efforts to develop trade relations with the land of Punt. //

Knemphotep made voyages to Punt eleven times under the captainship of Koui. This expedition was organized and financed by the celebrated Queen Hatshepsut.

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