Egypt: Surplus in banking system’s NFAs rises 2.9% m/m to USD 13.3bn as of end-Jul

Egypt: Surplus in banking system’s NFAs rises 2.9% m/m to USD 13.3bn as of end-Jul

  • NFAs turned to surplus in May - first in two years - due to USD 35bn UAE deal, surging portfolio inflows
  • UAE deal: Egypt received USD 24bn in fresh funds, another USD 11bn came from UAE deposits with CBE
  • Egypt has unlocked USD 57bn external financing for 2024-2027 period

The Net Foreign Assets (NFA) of the banking system rose by EGP 18bn or 2.9% m/m to EGP 645bn (USD 13.3bn) as of end-July following a 7.4% m/m drop in June, according to?data?released by the central bank. The rise and fall of the banks' foreign assets in June and July reflects the slowdown in portfolio inflows in June and their?recovery?in July. The portfolio flows data for August is yet to be released by the EGX. More specifically, the m/m increase in July is due to foreign assets rising at a faster pace than the banking system's liabilities (+EGP 53bn vs +EGP 35bn, respectively).

We remind, NFAs stood at USD 22bn net liability as of end-February and their sharp improvement is due to a USD 10.7bn increase in the foreign assets of the CBE and USD 13.3bn increase in the banks' foreign assets since then, reflecting tranches from the USD 35bn UAE deal and the surge in portfolio inflows that followed the pound's float and the securing of massive external financing. In fact, the NFAs recorded their first surplus in more than two years in May. Under the Ras el Hekma deal, the UAE converted a total of USD 11bn deposits and provided fresh USD 24bn funding to Egypt, which allowed Egypt to restart long-delayed currency reforms in early March, namely floating the pound. This has unlocked USD 8bn financing from the IMF and a total of USD 57bn external financing for 2024-27. Foreign investors rushed to buy local currency T-bills in March and April, attracted by high yields and lower FX risks. We think that foreigners have bought USD 3-5bn T-bills on the primary market, while EGX data show foreign investors bought another USD 15bn on the secondary market in March-July. Further, Egypt has secured assurances that USD 19bn of official deposits from Arab countries at the CBE, which were outstanding at the end of January 2024, will not mature until after the completion of the four-year EFF arrangement in September 2026, and will not be used to purchase stocks or bonds, according to the IMF.


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