Egypt Real Estate Market, a year after devaluation
Amr M. Aboualam
Entrepreneur | Chairman | CEO | Board Member | Strategist | Business Developer | Consultant | Mentor
The Egyptian real estate market has been undergoing significant changes in the past year, especially after the devaluation of the Egyptian pound (EGP) against the US dollar (USD) in March 2022. The devaluation was part of a series of economic reforms aimed at boosting exports
One of the main effects of the devaluation was the increase in prices of residential units
Devaluation attracted the attention of foreign investors who saw an opportunity to enter or expand their presence in the Egyptian real estate market at a lower entry cost. According to the Central Bank of Egypt, foreign direct investment (FDI) in Egypt increased by 14% year-on-year to reach $7.7 billion in fiscal year 2021/22 and is showing signs of more increase in 2022/23, with real estate being one of the main sectors that attracted FDI. Most of the Gulf owned developers announced several new projects for first and second homes during the past 12 months.
In conclusion, the Egyptian real estate market has shown remarkable resilience and adaptability so far in the face of the devaluation and its consequences. The sector has witnessed strong demand, high sales, and increased investments despite the inflationary pressures and economic uncertainties. However, there are also some challenges that need to be addressed, such as ensuring adequate supply of affordable housing