Egura Hope 2024
Mikel Alberto de Elguezabal Méndez-Rodulfo Ph.D.
Director Ejecutivo en Egura Project
?In the month... in the year,, neither... in the #Millennium of #Women #Emakumek #Femmes #Mujeres, I, tiny soul, in love within the #NaturalLiberty of all of US. I share a humble idea, without patent intentions, a design we will certainly do at Egura Parks worldwide in the next decades... take a look, and women at Siemens Acciona ABB General Electric Perth Naturgy Iberdrola EDF Eni #CropsUnder SolarPanel #ShadowSunCrops #UseLandsForFoodALSO #IncreaseProfits for your #StakeHolders bp Nasdaq NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration The Wall Street Journal Financial Times Miami Herald Le Figaro Corriere della Sera Folha 12 - Noticias do Estado de S?o Paulo Diario de Noticias de Navarra Diario Clarin Diario El Mercurio Diario El Comercio (Perú) Elnacionalcat Es Diario El Nacional El Tiempo Bogotá International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) UEF - UNEP Course on Multilateral Environmental Agreements UNED Pamplona UN Environment Programme Universidad de Navarra UPNA Global Water PartnershipGlobal Water Partnership Mikel Elguezabal Africa Union of Architects / Union Des Architectes d'Afrique Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Industriales de Navarra Ingenieros sin Fronteras ARQUITECTOS SIN FRONTERAS Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) World Trade Organization - WTO Succursale Dauphinoise De La Société Du Mont-Pellerin Acton Institute Mises Institute Hoover Institution United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) Sustainable Energy for All .... spread it please... why? WHY NOT?! Boost economies, increase energy harvest in the same solar panels parks/lands (put horizontal wind generators under!), and elevate the panels, 2 or 3 meters above ground you will have useful soil for crops... OMG OMG, just trust me, only say hi, thanks Mikel Elguezabal,, and my dopamine will last forever hahaha...
@eguraproject will visit #Miami this year to try
#EguraAmericasInc <2030...
Thriving under solar panels, crops symbolize adaptation and growth ??. As Plato said, necessity is the mother of invention. Let's innovate for sustainability! ????#SustainableFarming