EGT Annual Report 2023
Photographers' credit: Mr. and Mrs. Mthethwa, Harare, Zimbabwe

EGT Annual Report 2023


The Edmund Garwe Trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and supporting individuals affected by HIV/AIDS. In 2023, we continued our efforts to make a positive impact in the lives of those affected by the virus.

Activities in 2023:

- Compiled lived experiences of people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS into an e-book

Beyond and Behind the Faces of HIV and AIDS

- Extensive social media sensitization and awareness raising about ‘Beyond and Behind the Faces of HIV and AIDS

- Collaborated with Positive Women Australia with author contributions and sensitization on World AIDS Day

- Listed the book on Amazon and Ingramsparks for sale and shared it online in PDF format to raise awareness and curb HIV stigma

- Searched for sponsors to raise funds for the book and future stages of the project

- In collaboration with Positive Women Australia Book launch on World AIDS day: Melbourne and 15 books sold and covered costs of printing. The book was launched as part of the Doherty Institute and Living Positive Victoria event, which brought together community, healthcare workers and researchers (about 200 people).

- Heather Ellis, author during her own personal launch also launched Beyond and Behind the faces of HIV and AIDS

- Planned and executed a book launch event at Kapoto Restaurant for World AIDS Day in Zimbabwe

Message from our trustee Wadzanai Garwe on World AIDS day

#WorldAIDSDay #hivawarenessandprevention #UequalsU

The day has arrived. It’s World AIDS Day - December 1. The theme is ‘let communities lead!’ We created a community of misfits. 32 authors, from different parts of the globe wrote their stories. We found our tribe. We have a book! Beyond and Behind the Stories of HIV and AIDS will live beyond our natural lives into posterity. We have contributed the lived experiences of people who bore the brunt of a pandemic. I quote my Aunt who always says ‘Wadzi, I thank God we lived before AIDS!’ That sentence always resonates with me because AIDS is the result of the hedonism of the 1960s. Free love. It was sex, drugs and rockin’ roll. It’s amazing to me, as a closet historian, the way human beings have these huge shifts.

We went from ultra liberalism to ultra conservatism within two decades. By the 80’s, when HIV started and was associated with gay sex and then just sex and drugs, we were in the era of ultra conservatism and puritanism. The hedonism of the 60’s gave way to prudes and a generation of parents that wanted to keep their children away from the excesses of their youth. Unfortunately, these doctrines ignore human nature. We are animals. Biology will trump any dogma. You cannot stop a teenager having sexual urges and experimenting. It’s biological.

We, the people infected and affected by HIV, are the faces of a reality that many tried to bury. HIV is the shame of the generation that was honest about their sexuality and it scared them into hiding their sexuality.

Anyway I’m just philosophizing. Today is the day when we say hey this pandemic has not stopped us. We are living proof that advances in science work. Antiretrovirals (ARVs) are living proof of the efficacy and inquisitive nature of scientists. Scientists are detectives by nature. They want to solve a puzzle.

I’m so grateful that we’re launching our book Beyond and Behind the Faces of HIV and AIDS. Those that attend the book launch will meet some amazing authors. For me Thelma Tshuma, Wellington David, Doreen Mashinga, and Isabel Dzvova are our frontline as they are the face of our launch in Zimbabwe; and Heather Ellis and Stephanie Lee in Australia. We also celebrate our transcriber and translator Daniel Garwe Piki.

I would not be the person I am today if I had not lived with HIV. I have had to cope with the shame of physically embodying the pandemic that is stigmatized and considered shameful because, apart from being born with it, if you have it then it was because of drug use or sex! The most beautiful biological act perverted because of this virus.

To all who support our launches and buy the book and read the stories - Tinotenda - We are thankful. Thankful because you are willing to read our stories and walk in our shoes.

To the authors who had to write this story under an alias/pseudonym, and who may attend the event incognito, I hope one day you will step out of the shadows.

Challenges and Lessons Learned:

- Planning the launch was tiresome and stressful due to time constraints

- Despite low sales in tickets and books, the event was memorable and felt like a family gathering

- Importance of planning events in advance and utilizing all available resources for marketing and awareness campaigns

Goals and Improvements for 2024:

- Organize events with ample time for preparation and promotion

- Utilize every resource available for marketing and awareness campaigns

- Approach potential funders and donors without hesitation

- Involve all project members in decision-making and planning

- work with marginalized communities to raise awareness and support in future projects

- Approach schools, universities, and high-density suburbs with the book and pitch awareness programs


Despite challenges, we remain committed to our mission and look forward to continued progress in 2024. Thank you for your patience..

Financial Information

Funds Raised

- Book sales: $100

- Donations for the launch: $40

Total Funds Raised: $140

In-kind Donations

NANI organization gift: $150

Avery Arias graphic designer: $350

Bella Dzvova author: transportation and accommodation of authors

Kapoto Restaurant hosting of book launch

Positive Women Australia launch and dissemination of the book

All authors in various parts of the world disseminating the book and those who traveled to attend and share their stories in the book launches

Photography for book launch: Mr. & Mrs. Mthethwa


Salary program manager: $300

Emergency fund for manager: $40


- [ ] Harare Street Publishing $170

- [ ] Ingramsparks $19.25

- [ ] ISBN purchase $100

Translation: $120

Newspaper articles Herald Edmund Garwe autobiography: $90

Book Launch: $265

Total Expenses: $ 1,104.20

Professional photography by Mr. & Mrs. Mthethwa

Warm regards

Thelma Atiboke Tshuma - Program Manager


Edmund Garwe Trust 734 Wattle Grove,Winston Park



+263? 773 620 3734 +39 388 951 1604


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