The egoists do not try to improve

The egoists do not try to improve

(Inspired by a post from His Holiness Sri Sri Swami Raghuvanandha). The egoist do not try to change or improve but defend their actions by justifying. Only a humble person tries to change his attitude by means of repentance. You have to repent in this generation itself, not merely for the harsh words and the violent actions of you, but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around you. Human beings are bound to commit mistakes - blunders for material benefits, also are capable of sincere repentance and genuine regret. Feel sorry for by heart.

If you accept your mistake publicly shows that you are the best man manager. One requires boldness to accept the mistake committed. When I used to shout at a person with a notion he committed mistake, I used to convey my sincere apologies in front of others if I am wrong. That increased the respect. It is my personal experience. And this is the basic Corporate Training I received too.

Mostly egoistic people are obsessed and preoccupied with themselves, too much 'I and me' syndrome ,inflated sense of self importance ,entitlement, like people to depend on them ,arrogant, proud, feel great and superior and lack the basic feeling of concern,respect,and empathy for others. Egoists are people who brag and talk only about themselves how great they are and both these guys suffer from low self esteem, ignorance, self confidence, emotional maturity, and assertiveness.

Now why would you like to deal with such a person, which involves a great amount of emotional energy to be wasted. It depends on who this guy is in your life. If he is a boss ,you don t have much choice, like it is said, to have a good relationship, never hurt a woman s emotions and a mans ego. Now you have to work with the boss and your career is linked up with the way you interact and connect, best thing is to anticipate and discreetly avoid too much lingering, finish the work, vanish, stay calm, let him not perturb your peace and dignity.

Egoists are always assertive, never politely speak out, ask what you want or to be excused, voice your opinion with dignity, stand up to irresponsible behaviour, and have the image and aura of the no nonsense person,so that they don t take chances with you to brag and show off. If he is a senior colleague they you have to be diplomatic, tactful and discreet and learn to wriggle out fast and easy. The secret never hurt the ego,never polish the ego, keep your self-esteem assertiveness and commonsense on the priority list.

And if it is a junior colleague you can with take some chance without antagonising him and be a little straight forward. If a friend you can take the liberty to ask him to shut his gob, or shut his trap and laugh it out. Therefore it depends who you are dealing with. Remember the principle, that all ego and arrogance are by-products of ignorance, low self esteem, and inferiority complex, feeling of ineffectiveness, lacking assertiveness, self confidence and such weaknesses.

But the only way they can mask this shadow self, is by hiding behind this empty facade of egoism. They are weak people who lack the emotional and spiritual maturity to deal with themselves and their own issues. Therefore don t deal with them, learn to manoeuvre cleverly around them. Enjoy doing it, and never miss to see the expression on the face. Well, in the case, you made a mistake by not considering of consequences by making that move. I mean that you considered the pros but not cons of that move,the move which was increasing your dependency upon someone not related to you by any means of law. Now, that covers the mistake and a mistake already committed so no worries now and please read through for the solution.

Now since you said that it comes to losing your self-esteem, it means that it is hitting your ego now, so try not reacting as per the ego suggests and try not persuading him for everything you wish to, restrict your persuasions a little and and try giving reasons or ask reasons if you find something of priority of him and if you do not get a pleasing response then leave it for then and when he is good mood ,ask the reason again and keep iterating it the same way.

Moreover, if he does not try changing his diplomatic means of responding then figure out where he is very much dependent upon you,try replacing your action to meet his dependency with a diplomatic reason, sex could work as one such dependency and in middle of all this remain calm and composed and humble of course. Egoist people are bit difficult to handle.. But then again there's always a way. Now, coming to the nature of egoist people. Most of the people who are egoist are toxic in nature.

They always try to utter bitter words just to make themselves look innocent and to make the other guy to be a worthy of blame that they are very good at playing blame games. One of the best ways to deal with these people. The ways are bit unethical but still I would persist in mentioning those. Praise, praise and praise. Yes, you heard it right the more you praise them, the more they are in your pocket, agree with their opinion and just nod your head for everything they say without contrasting their opinion. They have this habit of blaming tools, So agree with them and in fact try to exaggerate thing. Cheers!

krishan kant

Director/Actor at 3Penny

3 年

????But a good friend if applied at right thing?????????

Otto Gatternigg

Advocate Mental Health & Neuroplasticity | Brain Architect & Future Strategist | Inner Growth & Resilience | Guidance for Victims of NPD | Mentor for Humans in Transition & Global Companies in Transformation | #EQ #TM

3 年

"The egoists do not try to improve". I love this wisdom in a nutshell. Thank you so much for sharing this magnificent article with us, dear brother Kishore. ?????? Went through exactly this experience with someone a few days ago who is completely ego-driven. Despite all talks and efforts on my side to attract change in thinking and acting no improvement at all was achieved, possible. It seems that our blown-up ego is our biggest enemy in the house. Not learning how to leaving behind, taming the inner tiger powered by an endless blown-up ego leads one to nowhere. But loneliness and feelings of not being loved, wanted by others. Set yourself free from self-destruction triggered by your own restless ego. Cultivate thinking of being part of the whole but not more. Richard Gere said so very wisely, he became Buddhist to set himself free from superstardom otherwise his own blown-up ego would have destroyed him.

Sharon Richardson

potter at Mudpie Pottery

3 年

So true!!

Preeti Sharma

Academy for Career Excellence

3 年

Super Kishoreji


