Ego Mind Vs. Intuitive Mind

Ego Mind Vs. Intuitive Mind

In a previous blog, I wrote about understanding the non-physical part of you aka your soul; and how your soul has a sixth sense connected to the higher realms that can give you a higher perspective of what is going on in your life and within yourself. Now many may be wondering how they can be so sure that they’re following the guidance of their non-physical senses. You see, your conscious mind where your ego resides, is constantly thinking thoughts all day. Your ego can make you think things that are not true or bring insecure or paranoid thoughts to you that will have you behaving in ways that’s not beneficial to you. Here, I am going to give you some tips of the difference from receiving an intuitive hunch from your sixth sense or if your conscious mind is just driving you crazy.

  1. Information from your soul will feel peaceful and soothing. Information from your conscious mind/ego may make you feel worried or anxious.
  2. You must relax yourself before you can receive intuitive notions from your non-physical senses. If something or someone just angered you and you have not calmed down, then you’ll typically hear rageful, angry, revengeful thoughts; these are not from your soul. This is why when you do calm down you feel as though you can think more “level-headed” and come up with a solution that won’t keep the drama going.
  3. You’ll typically receive some sort of confirmation(s) of what was intuitively relayed to you, whether it’s from a conversation you may be having with someone, a song, an article, a blog J, or even a social media post.
  4. Your intuition will always guide you to what’s best for you in the long run, remember it is ALWAYS seeing from a higher perspective. So for instance, if you’re on a diet and trying to decide if you should eat that piece of chocolate cake. You may hear a little voice in your head say that’s not such a good idea. Your ego/conscious mind will say go on and eat it, one slice isn’t going to hurt.
  5. Your intuitive hunches typically give you information that may make you uncomfortable because it goes against what the ego wants. Your conscious mind is programmed to give the same responses to certain scenarios. So your soul may require you to be the bigger person to forgive, make the phone call first, and make amends; when your ego just wants to say screw you and the horse you rode in on! And that may feel good in the moment but what typically happens after that? You regret what you may have said or did, knowing you could’ve handled it in a better way.

 These are just a few introductory ways for you to get more use to knowing the difference from following your ego mind versus your intuitive mind. This is such a vast subject I couldn’t possible cover it all in one blog post. Remember this intuitive information can come to you in many different ways, be alert of that small voice in your head and the feelings you get when certain things are presented to you. If you would like more information or to speak one-on-one in more depth in regards to fine tuning your sixth senses, be sure to email us at [email protected]


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