The Ego has Landed

The Ego has Landed

Yes, I know that's not the actual expression and that isn't even an eagle in the photo, yet here you are reading this.  I want so badly to make this Working in Wisconsin project work, but I can't do it alone.

I am convinced it's a great idea because no one has said "no"to being profiled. But so far I have been unable to get sponsors to help fund the project.

So, my ego has landed and I've started a Go Fund Me campaign.  I am not even close to giving up because I hear from many of my supporters they love the project. So my plan is to try to raise some funds in order to create some high quality videos of Wisconsin businesses that will help me sell the idea. You can view some examples my partner Harry Browne has created here (The Cheese Shop) and here (The Candle Shop). 

Most of these types of fund raisers are for worthy causes. Mine doesn't feel particularly worthy, so again, my ego has landed and all I can do is ask. 

I have thick skin. I can handle rejection, because I know if I don't ask, the answer will always be no. And like I said, so far everyone has said "yes!" 

Much Wisco Love,

Mary Zinn, Creator of Working in Wisconsin


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