eggheads conversational microlearning with chat-based learning nuggets ??
Pecha Kucha is a way of storytelling that is inspired by "talk less, show more" (Wikipedia). What you see here is the shortened Pecha Kucha we held at the 2022 Learntec including the script (originally in German). The formal guidelines were: Powerpoint, 4 minutes, 20 seconds per slide (automatically moved on).
Here we go:
This is what learning usually looks like in companies today:
One big event.
Carried out once.
Then we dump it all on the participants in one go.
Training done.
A big challenge: the motivation and commitment of the employees.
Even if we call it learning: Boredom is not an option.
We are in competition for the scarcest resource: attention.
Every marketer knows: the worm must be tasty to the fish.
Then, the topic of sustainability. Or forgetting.
Ebbinghaus is a household name in learning.
But: it doesn't matter if 80 percent are forgotten in 7 days or 70 percent in three weeks.
It is too much. Too fast.
In which other business do we accept that such a big chunk of an investment is lost in such a short time?
There is a way to make communication and learning user-centric.
We just have to observe. The opportunity is chat.
It is the most native form of digital human interaction.
On average, we are on Whatsapp & Co every 20 minutes.
In our private lives. And now also at work.
That's where eggheads comes in: now you can transfer knowledge and get feedback with chat-based learning nuggets.
It is microlearning made for the messaging age.
And now you can also reach employees where they collaborate: directly in Microsoft Teams.
In the way, they love: chat.
Chat needs no instructions.
Chat is short, interactive, and entertaining.
That's how it will be for your employees when you use eggheads to transfer your content.
You can not only send but also listen and ask for feedback.
This is how learning becomes conversational.
Sure, creating a chat-based learning nugget is something new.
On the other hand: it's very familiar.
Our customers say: if you know what you want to tell, you create one chat in less than two hours.
They also say: if you know how to use Whatsapp, you can create chats with eggheads.
This is how you bring knowledge and topics to your teams in hours instead of days and weeks.
That makes you - buzzword alert - agile.
All well and good, I hear you say.
But what can I do with it?
We observe good effects in sales and product training.
Training of customer care agents. As well as awareness campaigns and compliance topics.
We're curious to see what you'll create.
// here's the end of our Pecha Kucha.
New: Conversational Microlearning with chat-based learning nuggets in Microsoft Teams
See here how it works:
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