EFRAGガイダンス最新情報 A Short Update on EFRAG
English version follows the Japanese one.
EFRAG(The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group)について紹介した以前のBI Articleで、欧州での法制化提案の中に人的資本に関わる情報開示要求が含まれていることに触れました。EFRAGは2025年の情報開示要求(使用データは2024年のもの)をターゲットに、法制化に向けた準備を進めています。つまり、影響を受ける組織は向こう6ヶ月以内にはデータ収集をスタートする必要があるかもしれないということを意味します。
日本企業にとっては、たとえ自社グループが欧州で事業を行っていない場合であっても、予期せぬ影響を受ける可能性があります。EFRAGガイダンスの“ESRS S2;バリューチェーンの労働者”のセクションでは、影響を受ける企業に対して彼らのサプライヤー企業における労働者についても注意を払うよう要求しています。これは、欧州企業に原材料や部品を供給する日本のサプライヤー企業が、自社グループの労働者をどのように扱っているかという情報を提供する必要があるということを意味します。
※本記事はBoardHR Initiative(経営人事推進機構)メンバーのデヴィッド?クリルマンが執筆し、髙橋恭仁子が邦訳しました。
※BoardHR Initiative(経営人事推進機構)は、企業の取締役会と投資家との間で人的資本に関する建設的な対話を促進させることを目的として、日本およびカナダにおける経験豊富な組織?人事分野のプロフェッショナルコンサルタントらによって発足した組織です。当組織は経営の視点に軸足を置いた人的資本に関わるリサーチ&コンサルティングサービスを、グローバル品質にこだわって提供して参ります。BoardHR Initiative(経営人事推進機構)の詳細につきましてはこちら。
In an earlier article, we covered EFRAG, which is proposed European legislation that includes some human capital reporting requirements. EFRAG is moving along the legislative pathway with the target of requiring reporting in 2025 on 2024 data. In other words, affected organizations may need to start collecting data in less than six months.
Unexpected impact for those outside Europe
There is a surprising potential impact on Japanese companies even if they don’t have operations in Europe.?The “ESRS S2: Workers in the value chain” section of EFRAG asks affected organizations to pay attention to the concerns of workers in their suppliers. This could lead European organizations to ask their Japanese suppliers for information on how workers are treated.
Important, but no need to panic
Despite the potentially short timelines involved, it is unlikely that there will be a reporting crisis. There will be considerable flexibility in what is reported for several years. Eventually, we can expect stiffer reporting requirements, but while organizations should prepare for possible human capital reporting needs there is no need to panic.
We need to build our HR technology infrastructure
Legislators in Europe and elsewhere are taking an increasing interest in human capital matters. In order to meet whatever demands arise, the human resources department needs good data-gathering and reporting capabilities. We recommend that Japanese organizations create a plan on how they will upgrade their HR technology and processes so that they can readily handle any new reporting demands.
There are several new foundational technologies on the way (e.g., graph databases, composable architecture) so the roadmap for HR technology should be based on a view of what the best technology will be, not just the best technology available today.
Of course, the big win in better data and technology is not easier reporting, it’s getting better insight into the human capital that is a crucial element of organizational success. This is where the HR committee of the board has a role to play, they should guide HR on the questions they want answered and make sure that those concerns guide the design of the HR technology infrastructure.
*This article was written by Mr. David Creelman of BoardHR Initiative.
*BoardHR Initiative is an organization that has been formed for the purpose of driving constructive conversations about Human Capital between company boards and investors.
All of the BoardHR Initiative members are professional consultants who have long experience in the area of HR both in Japan and Canada. ????To learn more about BoardHR Initiative, please access it here.