Printing Expo Online is pleased to present the EFI Fiery video showcase in the shows auditorium that will be running for the next 2 weeks and is part of EFI Firey's on-going program of educational and free webinars that feature valuable information for colour professionals and for owners and managers of print businesses and in-plant/CRD operations. Join the EFI Fiery subject matter experts to hear best practices, gather tips for success, and learn how to compete more effectively:


1. Fiery: Your technology partner to maximize your print potential?-?In 3 minutes, you can lay out how a Fiery Driven? workflow boosts productivity and quality, to enhance the business potential for today and tomorrow.?

2. Fiery Automation Tools Series - Part One - Job Presets:?In part one of this four part Fiery Friday series titled Fiery Automation Tools, you will learn how easy it is to create automated workflows using Job Presets, a standard feature on all Fiery controllers.

3.?Fiery Automation Tools Series - Part Two - Virtual Printers & Hot Folders -?In this part two of a four part Fiery Friday series titled Fiery Automation Tools, you will how to create workflows using Fiery Virtual Printers and Hot Folders applications.

4.?Fiery Automation Tools - Part Three - Automating Imposition Templates -?Expanding on parts one & two of the Fiery Automation Tools series, you will learn how easy it is to add imposition templates created using Fiery Impose to Job Presets and Fiery Hot Folders, increasing the possibilities of workflow automation for your business.

5.?EFI IQ for Display Graphics printers -?EFI IQ is a cloud platform designed for print service providers to let them monitor print production performance, improve operations, and achieve higher print quality. Dive into the capabilities of this suite of applications to understand how its features can give your customers more tools to build a stronger, more profitable business.?

6.?Fiery Prep-it — Maximise your print-for-cut workflow -?Fiery? Prep-it? is a powerful, easy-to-use software solution for the preparation, layout, and automated production of print-for-cut jobs. It can both save you hours of prepress time and dramatically decrease your media usage with its efficient true shape nesting.?

7.?Photo Book Automation & Creation with Fiery JobFlow Base -?In this edition of Fiery Friday you will learn how to eliminate the time and labor needed to convert, scale and impose JPG photo files into ready-to-print PDF files for photo books with Fiery JobFlow Base, a standard feature on all Fiery external print servers.

8.?Create Two-Part Numbered Forms with Fiery FreeForm Create -?In this edition of Fiery Friday you will learn how easy it is to create two part numbered forms with EFI's free variable data solution, Fiery FreeForm Create.

9.?Ticket Numbering with Cut & Stack Imposition with Fiery JobMaster / Impose -?In this "vintage edition" of Fiery Friday you will learn how to create sequential ticket numbering with cut & stack imposition using Fiery JobMaster/Impose.

10.?Preflight Automation with Fiery Preflight, HotFolders & JobFlow Base -?In this edition of Fiery Friday you will learn how to leverage the power of Fiery automation tools with Fiery Preflight, HotFolders & JobFlow Base, all standard features on the latest external Fierys running FS500 Pro system software.

11.?Scales Pages to Fit Using Fiery Impose -?In this edition of Fiery Friday you learn how simple it is to scale, rotate and fit mixed size pages in documents to a common sheet size using Fiery Impose.

12.?Adjusting Spot Colors in a Document with Fiery Spot Pro -?In this edition of Fiery Friday you will learn how Fiery Spot Pro was used to help an in-plant print shop correct inconsistent spot colours in their documents.

13.?Print Files Right the First Time with Fiery Job Expert -?In this edition of Fiery Friday you will learn how to "take the guess work" out of printing complex graphics files with the help of Fiery Job Expert.

Simply click on the link below, register and go to the shows auditorium, sign posted at reception, and enjoy this free eduction programme from the comfort of your own home or office.

Printing Expo Online is totally free to visit and open 24/7 365 days a year!

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