Effort vs Outcome Mindset and 2WD Goal Setting

Effort vs Outcome Mindset and 2WD Goal Setting

“It's not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?” — Henry David Thoreau

You constantly see slogans, quotes and statements from notable successful people stating that you must work hard to succeed. The misnomer being that if you work hard you will succeed. It’s not ‘hard work’ that guarantees success. If you want to succeed, and succeed quickly, you must make the ‘right effort’. (I use ‘effort’ because for me ‘work’ conjures up feelings of drudgery.)???

I’m going to blame my mum for my overly analy retentiveness. As a young child I needed to fold my clothes precisely and place them exactly in the right spot in the cupboard. Plus my bed had to be made perfectly, sheets folded at 45 degrees. Clearly I had no trouble making my bed to army standards when I joined the army as a young adult.?

(watch and listen to this article)

This upbringing led to my utter dislike of anything that takes longer than I think it should take. For me to get out and play, the clothes needed to be folded, bed made and all the other chores finished. Faking it was not an option. The evil overlord (sorry Mum) had to give clearance before I could leave the house. It needed to be done and done to the right standard, otherwise there was no BMX, friends or video games.?

There’s definitely some deep rooted issues about being outcome focused in my psyche. However this turned out to be a good thing. Outcome focus has many benefits, particularly with regard to efficiency, when compared to effort focus.?

Here are the differences between the Outcome and Effort focus.

Outcome Focus:

Goal-Oriented: The focus is the end result, otherwise known as a goal or an objective.

Feedback-Driven: All actions are measured against movement toward the goal. If the action does not move you closer to the goal then an adjustment is made. Feedback also considers how to increase the performance of efforts which move you toward your goal.

Efficiency: A key focus is how quickly you can get there. This prioritises actions. Observing efficiency was probably how the Pareto principle was discovered.?

Success Achievement: You achieved the pre-set goal.

Risk: Can lead to corner cutting, overlooking ethical considerations, or missing learning opportunities.

Effort Focus:

Process-Oriented: The focus is on how much work was done.

Input-Driven: It’s all about how much effort, time, energy or dedication was put into the task.

Consistency: The emphasis is about regular work or methodical dedication.??

Success Achievement: How much hard work and dedication was put in, often irrespective of the outcome.

Risk: Can lead to burnout, wasting resources and a lack of direction.?

The title to this article is somewhat of a misdirection. To succeed in business you need a balance of both. When there is a stong focus on effort, things can become very inefficient which costs money. A stong outcome focus without clear boundaries (ie don’t break the law) can cause significant issues as well. It’s the nexus between the two that counts.?

2WD Goal Setting

This is where the 2WD approach brings harmony between effort and outcome. 2WD brings more balanced efficiency to business operations.?

For lovers of SMART, it’s ok. Changing beliefs can take time but SMART has too many acronyms and overlooks effort. Which is why I created 2WD. It creates a nexus between effort and outcome. (And it’s a much quicker process.)

2Ws - Outcome Focus

What (Desired Result): Clearly set out what it is that you want. Or if you have difficulty knowing what you want, ask yourself, ‘What do I Choose?’ This opens your unconscious mind to understanding that you get to choose what you want. Also remember this is like building a muscle. The more you perfectly practice, the better you will get. 'What' sets how you will know when you have achieved your outcome.

When (Timeframe): The deadline is an efficiency check to make sure the 'effort' part does not run amok. It helps with prioritising tasks and allocating resources. 'When' is determined in conjunction with the 'effort' component.?

D - Effort Focus:

What will you Do (Action Steps): Here you determine the actions and tasks needed to achieve the outcome. You create the road map to the objective. For larger tasks that will take longer, you create checkpoints to assess progress. These checkpoints give you feedback so adjustments can be made based on any new information. Ideally you start with a realistic understanding of the 'effort' required to achieve your outcome.?

The harmony comes from having a clear target to ensure actions are purpose driven and that from the very beginning the vision is grounded in realistic actionable steps. You start each day clearly knowing where you are going, while also understanding the persistence and resilience needed to get there.?

“Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort makes all the difference!”

Case Study - Caravan Manufacturer

Max (not his real name to protect the not so innocent) founded his caravan manufacturing business 22 years earlier. He had built a reputation for a quality high end product. But in the last few years it became progressively difficult to keep his edge. Other manufacturers had entered the market and were also able to product a quality product but at a lower cost. Warranties offered by the competitors negated the quality reputation Max had so painstakingly built up.?

Looking at Max’s business it was clear here was bias toward effort focus. Here are some examples.

Design and Prototyping

There was no real focus up front on identifying customer needs, including seeking feedback from existing customers. Often designs took a long time to finalise because many options were played with. Often money was spent on resources that could not be used.?

Material Sourcing

Max liked to haggle and bargain. He’d often negotiate lower cost per unit deals and high volume. Many of these materials became obsolete before they were needed due to design changes. What’s worse Max kept these resources on the packing shelves taking up storage space.?


Longstanding workers explained that at one time the production line was very efficient. Progressively that changed and now there was no checkpoints at intermediate stages. Assessment of how a caravan was progressing against a certain amount of required effort for each stage did not occur. It was so bad there wasn’t any record of the effort needed to make a whole caravan.?

There were also issues with Quality Control and Testing, Marketing and Sales and After-Sales Service, however my point has been made. Max’s business went from a thriving profitable beacon in the industry to almost going out of business.?

After implementing the 2WD process:

  • caravan design did not start until there was a very clear objective of what that design was to achieve; and,
  • the assembly had specific KPIs at each stage of the process.
  • Material sourcing was a challenge, however Max was eventually convinced to hire a procurement manager to take over the negotiation of deals. This was done by showing him the true cost of the deals he had made. Including wastage included in the cost per unit as a sunk cost, rather than COGS just including the items used was humbling for Max but his ego was up to it.?

Max’s biggest surprise was how quickly the business turned around. The health of his business had been touch and go for a couple of years before that with an equal effect on his health.?

Be the Black Hole

2WD Goal Setting is covered in depth our ‘Be the Black Hole’ program. In addition to the 2WD process, Be the Black Hole is designed to tap into your unconscious and awaken attracting goals to you. This includes Unconscious Mastery, Activating Your Reticular Activating System and tapping into Effortless Flow.????

That is coupled with our unique system using Micro-Learning, Social-Learning, and Gamification so changes are rapidly implemented in your business.?

We believe in Be the Black Hole so much it comes with a 100% money back guarantee

If it’s not unreasonable for you to learn more about how Be the Black Hole can have a dramatic impact on growing your business revenue and profit, please feel free to reach out. We’d love to chat and understand how we can help your businesses keep up and thrive.


Sliding Elephants through Eyes of Needles

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Nicky Verd Narghiza E. Nusrat Zahan Nancy Gray Tanya Bahl Tracie Murray Tripti Jain Eur Ing. Ts. Sukor Zainal Tim Mitchell UMA R. Utkrishta Kumar (UK) Usama Khalid Urooj Fatima Wynn george William Peach Waseem Rehman Joshua W. Desha William Dykstra

When individuals set their own goals and achieve them, they succeed. Success has nothing to do with competitive sports or being wealthy, unless that's one's ONLY aim in life. Running the rat race is for those with no personal skills, learning ability or creative mind.

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Ronald Henderson

Finding our voices, together When I finally found my voice' it came explosively.

1 年

#nevertoooldnevertoolate #successafterseventy Thanks Damon Pistulka √


