Efficiently handle the row action event on table in lwc through event bubbling and propagation.

Efficiently handle the row action event on table in lwc through event bubbling and propagation.

Hello everyone, I hope everyone is safe and happy. In today's blog we are going to see a simple case and how to improve it.

So the use case is , we have table and for each row there is action ( button ) associated to it and with row-action we need to do some processing of data.

So the usual solution is , attach an event handler to the action element. For example of we have button(show Rank) placed for each row we can attach an onclick listener / handler there which will process or do something with data of the selected row. But the issue is if there are 5 such rows , then you are attaching 5 listener, if you would have 100 such rows you would be attaching 100 such listeners. So this would solve the problem but can we optimize this code?

?<table >
? ? ? ? ? ? <tr>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? <th>Index</th>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? <th>State</th>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? <th></th>
? ? ? ? ? ? </tr>
? ? ? ? ? ?<template for:each={data} for:item="item">
? ? ? ? ? ? <tr key={item.id}>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <td>{item.id}</td>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <td>{item.state}</td>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <td> <lightning-button ?data-record = {item.id} variant="brand" label="showRank" onclick={handleClick}></lightning-button></td>
? ? ? ? ? ? </tr>
? ? ? ? ? ?</template>
? ? ? ? </table>        

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There is one way , instead of attaching onclick listener to every row , we can attach it to the top level element ( in our case it is table ) so that whenever any event propagated as a result of click will try to cross the table it will be intercepted there . so for this we just need to move our listener to at table level.

? ? <lightning-card title="Event handling for row action">

? ? ? ? <table onclick={handleClick}>
? ? ? ? ? ? <tr>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? <th>Index</th>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? <th>State</th>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? <th></th>
? ? ? ? ? ? </tr>
? ? ? ? ? ?<template for:each={data} for:item="item">
? ? ? ? ? ? <tr key={item.id}>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <td>{item.id}</td>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <td>{item.state}</td>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <td> <lightning-button ?data-record = {item.id} variant="brand" label="showRank"></lightning-button></td>
? ? ? ? ? ? </tr>
? ? ? ? ? ?</template>
? ? ? ? </table>
? ? </lightning-card>
? ? 

Now , there is only one listener is there and it is at table level. let's check the controller for this template:

import { LightningElement ,track } from 'lwc'
import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
export default class EffiecientDataTable extends LightningElement {

? ?@track data = [];

? ?constructor(){
? ? ? super();
? ?}

? ?connectedCallback(){
? ? ?for(let i = 0; i < 5 ; i ++){
? ? ? ? this.data.push({id:i,state:'state'+i});
? ? ?}
? ? ?console.log(this.data);
? ?}

? ?handleClick(e){

? ? if(e.target.dataset.record){
? ? ? ? const state = this.data[e.target.dataset.record].state;
? ? ? ? const event = new ShowToastEvent({
? ? ? ? ? ? title: 'Toast message',
? ? ? ? ? ? message: state + ' is selected .',
? ? ? ? ? ? variant: 'success',
? ? ? ? ? ? mode: 'dismissable'
? ? ? ? });
? ? ? ? this.dispatchEvent(event);
? ? }
? ? 
? ?}



? ? font-family: arial, sans-serif;
? ? border-collapse: collapse;
? ? width: 100%;
? }
? td, th {
? ? border: 1px solid #dddddd;
? ? text-align: left;
? ? padding: 8px;
? }
? tr:nth-child(even) {
? ? background-color: #dddddd;
? }{        

So we have just solve this issue in one of the improved way. Thankyou for reading this blog post. Let's meet in some other blog. Till then happy programming.



