Efficient Workflows - The Keys To Your Content Castle
Something generally not understood is the amount of work required to suit the content you create to the area in which it's going to be delivered.
Eighty to 90 percent of all video is now watched without the sound. So when posting something to LinkedIn, if you don't have captions on it hard-coded into the video, meaning they appear on screen when people press play, nobody's going to know what you're talking about. And after half a second, they're not going to keep watching.
Having a content creation process and a workflow that enables this is vital to your success.
Similarly, our in-house content production system enables us to quickly generate short pieces of video content with titles and onscreen information that draw on the resources of Getty Images and many high quality stock libraries to quickly align photography with your message of the day.
Whilst the below holds true for the initial filming we do, after that, we rely on world leading technology platforms to deliver content, quickly, at scale.
Moving beyond this traditional content creation process is one of the defining points of becoming an ongoing client of Bravo Charlie. By initially creating your high quality video foundations, then we can add to this content regularly and quickly!
With our commercial acumen, journalistic integrity and understanding that you should not settle for pretty, that you need things that move viewers through a sales process, on your behalf we will craft content with soul, that opens doors and uplifts your organisational notoriety.
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Check back each Tuesday and Thursday as we move through this series on how you can transform your organisation into a story telling, profit-generating machine!
Part 1 - How we bake your cake at Bravo Charlie - Initial Gap Analysis
Part 2 - Culture Design Day #1 - Exploration
Part 3 - Researching, Developing and Delivering Your Digital Systems and Marketing Strategy
Part 4 - Customer and Stakeholder Interviews, Competitor and Market Research
Part 5 - Photography - Do you know a good image?
Part 6 - Initial Filming of Staff, Facilities and Customers
Part 7 - How To Leverage Your proud customers
Part 8 - How long does filming take?
Part 9 - Editing; Where the magic happens
Part 10 - Colour Grading - Shaping Emotion & Controlling Communication
Part 11 - High quality audio - everything you need to know for better sound in life
Part 12 - The need for captions in modern delivery
Part 13 - Music, language of the soul
Part 14 - Implementing your New Sales Machine
Part 15 - Making an event out of your launch and generating twice your outlay in sales
Part 16 - How to turn your team into content creators - Culture Design Day #2
Part 17 - How to Achieve High Quality Regular Content Production that Drives Sales
Part 18 - Your total time commitment to go through a Digital Transformation
Part 19 - Translations and a global focus
Part 20 - Efficient Workflows - The Keys To The Content Castle