Efficient Backup Using OneDrive or Google Drive
IT Infra Insights
Transforming IT Infrastructure with Insightful Open Source Solutions
1. Policy Definition:
- Define which files are critical (documents, spreadsheets, presentations) for backup.
- Restrict file types based on work relevance (e.g., exclude personal media files).
2. Data Deletion:
- Enable versioning and recycle bin recovery policies.
- Set a deletion policy for users to prevent accidental permanent loss.
3. Recovery Time Period:
- OneDrive: 30 days in Recycle Bin, extended up to 93 days in enterprise accounts.
- Google Drive: Files in the Trash are recoverable for 30 days.
4. Key Considerations:
- Cost: Consider storage needs for backup plans.
- Security: Ensure encryption and access control.
- Compliance: Follow data protection laws (e.g., GDPR).
5. Monitoring:
- Regularly check storage usage, backup failures, and security logs.
- Monitor user behavior for accidental deletions or policy violations.
6. Data Planning:
- Use Google Drive/OneDrive for documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and non-sensitive data.
- Use NAS or dedicated storage for large datasets, media files, and sensitive, high-volume information where fast access and control are critical.
By creating defined policies, regularly monitoring backups, and choosing appropriate storage for different types of data, businesses can efficiently manage and safeguard their data with cloud and on-premise solutions.
#OneDriveBackup #GoogleDriveBackup #CloudStorage #DataProtection #DataRecovery #NASBackup #DataCompliance #ITInfrastructure #BusinessContinuity #FileManagement #CloudVsNAS #DataSecurity #VersionControl #BackupPolicy