Efficiency driven design standardization and realization of optimized cost through design to cost approach
As we know, all projects are unique, though they can be compared based on different parameters to figure out which project is more efficient with respect to their designs.
Let’s first understand why design efficiencies and engineering coefficients are important and how it can affect the costing of a project and learning for long term developments and innovation.
Nowadays, value engineering, design to cost, innovation are the buzzwords pertaining to cost optimization, which is the need of the hour. Is there any proven method to identify areas of improvement based on hard facts rather than perception based on earlier experience? The answer lies in efficiency and comparative analysis between various projects to create industry benchmarks. The same needs to be done for different segments, cities and product types as the customer expectations and usage pattern change based on demographics and socio-economic situation.
How this initiative needs to be approached? I strongly believe that for in-depth understanding of the effect on efficiency of a project on the costing of the project, we need to have a measure for each and every major cost 3 parameter and then have it measured at project level / building level / Floor level / Flat level. This will allow us to understand where exactly the engineering or architectural intervention is to be made to make the project more efficient.
I do also believe that this is also a strong tool to understand the areas where we are doing well and take initiative for horizontal deployment across the organisation. In a nutshell this is nothing but standardization of design across organisation/s.
Having said the above, calculating all these efficiencies is a very strenuous job and hence not followed across the project life-cycle and across organisations. Hence, the power and opportunity to compare and learn is missing. To make it possible, we need an automated platform where estimation can be done in a very detailed manner and efficiencies are auto calculated with graphical representation.
To know more about the solution, connect with https://plannerfy.com.
Credits: Pictures are sourced from Google through open source search.