Efficiency and collaboration - the Alpha and Omega of post-pandemic work life.
Adverse effects on our society surround the Covid-19 crisis. There were only little positive outcomes in the bigger picture, but those being crucial adjustments to our future work life. By now, we all know that the pandemic will always stand out as one of the main drivers of digitalization—a development that has long been slept on in the German business and education world.
Compared to these times' issues, I am not describing these changes as consolation, but we have to discuss them as a significant development of our work life. What is next? Will we go back to a centralized organization or carry on this change process of decentralization? Here are my two cents on this: we should not even take a single step back to our previous status quo!
Managing the change
If you still struggle with making the jump, here is what you need to focus on: before companies cross implementing the infrastructure from their to-do-list, they should spend some time thinking about guiding their stakeholders. Adoption processes can be very different among people. Digitalization is not here to sort out the non-digital natives from those making the jump pretty easy but to leave nobody behind and drive the collaboration between departments forward while shortening the ways of communication and decision making. This is the success-recipe to efficient output we all have been waiting for. In other words, support all the different stakeholders of your company and define their priorities. Then set up and provide their digital needs. As I said in my last article: align the digital strategy with the business strategy.
Post-pandemic steps
Now that many businesses streamlined internal collaboration using digital tools and enriching the companies' flexibility and outcomes, there are the next steps. With a new sense of self-responsibility, employees will get used to their freedom and gain more confidence in a self-organized workday. Businesses now can go with the flow and create a business culture of empowerment and success, leading towards a traceable increase in job satisfaction.
If you want to chat about your business's plans and questions in the post-pandemic daily life, you are welcome to contact me here or via email. I would be happy to gain more insights on this topic and start an exchange as, right now, we all achieve key-knowledge about developments in the new work culture.