Efficacy of throwing exercise with TheraBand in male volleyball players with shoulder internal rotation deficit

Efficacy of throwing exercise with TheraBand in male volleyball players with shoulder internal rotation deficit

?? Efficacy of throwing exercise with TheraBand in male volleyball players with shoulder internal rotation deficit

??The Glenohumeral internal-rotation deficit (GIRD) is related to the altered eccentric external-rotator (ER), the concentric internal-rotator (IR), muscle strength, and the ER: IR ratio. GIRD has been documented as a risk factor for shoulder injuries. However, few studies have investigated the effect of an exercise training on these parameters in athletes with GIRD.

6??0?? male volleyball players with GIRD were randomized into either a exprimental group or a control group. Muscle activity, muscle strength, GH IR range of motion, and GH joint position sense were assessed.

??The experimental group underwent the throwing exercise with a TheraBand for approximately 40 min per session, three sessions a week lasted eight weeks. Each session also consisted of a 10-min warm up (running, stretching exercises) and a 5-min cool down. Data were collected before and after the prescribed exercise program, using the same procedure.

??The control group underwent a home self-exercise program for three 40-min sessions/week for 8 weeks, referring to the medical center every week as necessary. The control group did not perform any strengthening exercises but performed stretching exercises.

There were statistically significant within-group differences in the EMG activity of the anterior deltoid, middle deltoid, posterior deltoid, infraspinatus and supraspinatus muscles, IR ROM, rotator cuff muscle strength ratio, and GH joint position sense in the experimental group.

??Throwing exercise with a TheraBand improved shoulder muscle activation, IR ROM, rotator cuff muscle strength ratio and GH joint position sense in participants with GIRD.

?? Reference:

Efficacy of throwing exercise with TheraBand in male volleyball players with shoulder internal rotation deficit: a randomized controlled trial

Mohsen Moradi, Malihe Hadadnezhad, Amir Letafatkar, Zohre Khosrokiani, and Julien S. Baker

BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2020; 21: 376.


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