Effects and Results of Rahu placement in 7th house of marriage, Partnership
Bhoodev Sharma
Expert Vedic Astrologer, Vastu, Palmist, Co- Founder Harsha Gems & jewellery, Director- SPS, 24k+conn, WApp.9717326282
The Placement of Rahu is generally perceived to be adverse and inauspicious besides which the presence of Rahu in 7th house will also bring negative impacts upon the aspects of this house or there will be some hurdles in the path of the native even if other planetary placements would reduce the negativity of the Rahu's presence.
These people having Rahu in seventh house would face some difficulties in getting married and would also have some hurdles in the conjugal path besides this, it would not be good for these natives to get married before 21yrs of age. The natives would possess positive relations with the government and strong bonds with people of authority which will be beneficial for you while those weaker than you would keep a relation for their own self interests.
The natives of this placement of Rahu in 7th house would be dominating upon many around but they would possess very few strong bonds besides which there will be many people standing around them but most of them won't be trust worthy besides which these natives also won't be completely loyal in relationships. They would confront much obstacles in developing relationships and could have many some enemies around but they would emerge safe even though.
Rahu is very influential in the chart. Seventh house is the partnerships like marriage, marital harmony, separation or divorce, business-contracts, negotiations with others and agreements. Rahu in the seventh house is obsessed for others.
7th house needs to be free from any malefic effect to have a happy marriage. Rahu in the 7th house delays marriage; causes unhappiness in marriage, can even cause the death of the spouse. There will be lot of opposition, obstacles, and hardships with the business partner. The negative influence is magnified when other inauspicious planets are placed along with Rahu in this house. Native has to be cautious of any cheating effort from the partner. It is possible that partners are not on the same sexual, physical or mental compatibility. 7th Rahu partner may bring trouble to the family, native will be unconventional in the married life. Rahu here suggests the spouse belonging to another community or country. Rahu in seventh house gives anger, dominating and argumentive nature. First wife can die or give divorce, 2nd marriage will also not yield much. Only physical relations will be the base of marriage. There may be some kind of unconservative, untraditional relationship with women like widow, lower class etc. He also needs to be aware of his friends, as he will be rich, he will attract many unnecessary friends who will be there only to enjoy his money and status and will not be very supportive in his life.
These people having Rahu in seventh bhava would confront much losses if they would get involved in the pursuits associated with Rahu like electrical equipment. Besides this, if the Mercury, Venus or Ketu get placed upon the 11th house then the native would suffer from head aches and his/her sister, wife or son would also receive worst effects as taking them towards a very poor situation.
Often the spouse has a sharp sense of ego, and harmony in married life would depend on the placements of the lords of the 1st and the 7th house and their relationship with Rahu in the 7th house. When soft planets like Moon, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus is in the 7th house, the married life would run smoothly. If Mars or Saturn (to an extent Sun too) be there in the 7th house within 12 degrees of Rahu, the married life would be uneven, often reaching the point of separation or parting company permanently.
Rahu in the 7th house makes obsession with relationships and partnership; relationships will dominate the life. This can lead to many sexual encounters with variety of people, even though person will always feel dissatisfied regardless of how many relationships he may experience. Most of the times they will feel loser in these relationships, especially long-term partnerships and business. This chaos will lead them to search for a self and peace in life and in reverse they may become more focused towards keeping their relations.
In case of Rahu things majorly depends upon: what rashi he is in-who is 7th house owner-where is he-whom he is with-which planets aspecting the 7th house. Rahu is a great money giver, native may be rich and he may have rich partner too, however, his wife will be suffering. Rahu occupying good and friendly sign and position gives prosperity in income and wealth. A prominent Rahu personality without any malefic effect is very attractive. He may have good relations with the Government.
Rahu in the 7th house is also connected with some sins done in previous birth which needs to be paid. Health wise there could be abdomen, heart, piles, sciatica related problems not diagnosable easily.
Since the 7th house concerns business or normal transactions and deals, Rahu in this house assumes importance. The 7th house concerns the seller, and sometimes the seller stands on ego and thereby abruptly misses the finalisation of the deal or transaction, and later regrets it. However, Rahu ensures that both buyer and seller are straightforward in the deal, and no unethical behaviour is involved in the matter. If in a deal, one party is a non-business person and the other party is a regular trader or business person, the non-business person has to stay alert as the regular business person might take undue advantage of the lack of business gambit and tactics of the non-business individual.
No doubt these individuals are good strategists, but there too, they give in to a point of dispute rather easily, without much argument or bargain. In case the quarrel or dispute is between husband and wife, the husband would have an upper hand when a male Rasi (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra etc) is in the 7th house. When it is a female Rasi (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio etc) in the 7th house, the wife would have the last word.
Rahu in the 7th house can give minor complaints relating to the private parts, provided a hard planet is neither in the 7thhouse nor has a direct drishtion the 7th house (and Rahu therein) from the 1st house. If the hard planet’s influence or interference were there, the trouble would be more severe and would take longer time to cure.
And the somewhat ridiculous effect of Rahu in the 7th house is that the individual might make use of the spouse to win favours, to get a certain job done or to earn money or gifts in kind. When Mars is in the 7th house with Rahu, the wife might take it upon herself to do the same with or without knowledge of the individual. However, if Saturn is with Rahu in the house, the individual would show no qualms in pressurizing the spouse to use her charms.
An important influence of Rahu in the 7th house is that it affects the sex drive between the husband and the wife.
In case Mars happens to be lord of the 1st or 7th house and Saturn be in the 1st or the 7th house, or Saturn is lord of the 1st or the 7th house and Mars is in the 1st or the 7th house, the female is likely to get her menopause at an earlier age than normal. Also this type of planetary situation in a female’s Birth-chart restricts the number of children she can bear.
The 7th House involves very touchy and delicate questions pertaining to the private life of an individual, whether male or female. Must proceed with great care and caution in study of the horoscope and expression of views, as often people feel hurt, even if the study and views of the astrologer are correct.