The Effects of PEMF Treatment on Scoliosis
One of the many painful back issues that people can have is that of a spine curvature. Spine curvature is something that will cause a great deal of problems, and if not corrected, could very well lead to pain, discomfort, and a completely curve of the lower back. There are many spin curvature disorders, and one of the main ones is that of scoliosis. This spin deformity could very well cause a serious amount of problems, and could very well cause disabling if not taken care of. While there are several different symptoms, and severities that come with this issue, there are many options that can be processed to help with alleviating pain. There are many treatments that come to mind regarding back pain, and problems with the spine, but one option seems to be getting a bit of attention lately, and that’s the use of PEMF for scoliosis, back pain, and more. With that in mind, take into consideration a few effects that come with this type of treatment.Improved Circulation
Circulation is the key component that is going to help with PEMF therapy. This is not just about oxygen, mind you, but rather red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. This can help with increasing stamina, improving breathing capacity, and helping reduce inflammation around the muscle tissue that is near the spine, in the back, and more. The circulation element is something that is going to help deliver a boost to the immune system, and helps the body reach 100% homeostasis, improving pain structure and relieving pressure that can be caused by scoliosis and other back problems.
Cellular Metabolism Spikes
When treatment is given in this arena, you’ll find that the waves start to help with something known as cellular metabolism spikes. What this means is that cells that are causing damage, including nerve endings, and pieces of the body that are causing stress points with pressure, start to reduce. The metabolic rate of cells and mutations that could occur cease, and start to regenerate, allowing for pain relief amidst those that are dealing with scoliosis.
Improved Blood Cell Regeneration
One of the main reasons why PEMF seems to work within the body, alleviating pain, is that it helps with improving circulation and the regeneration of red blood cells. These cells are critical for the body as they carry oxygen, and remove carbon dioxide from the body. These cells are made inside the bones, and die within 3 months of time, however, when you utilize specialized treatment, you can increase the production of these cells, and assist with oxygen to the places where they are needed most, including the tissue in the back, near the spinal column, and more.
Improved sensation, reducing stress, and relieving strain. With scoliosis, the curvature of the spin could lead to back pain that will not subside. With the assistance of PEMF therapy, researchers have concluded that nerve root compression can be reduced, pain from back issues like scoliosis, and other problems can also subside, and help reduce pain throughout the body.
Contact us by calling 800-466-1672 or emailing us at [email protected]. Our team is available to explore which PEMF devices will work best for you!