The Effects of Music Therapy and Nurse Interaction during the Intra Angiography Procedure on Hemodynamic Parameters

The effects of music therapy and planned nurse contact on hemodynamic parameters among patients having angiography. The data were analyzed using an unpaired 't-test, and there was a statistically significant relationship between hemodynamic parameters of the control and music therapy groups and heart rate, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, and oxygen saturation rate un-paired t value 2 (p=0.04), 2.2 (p=0.03), 3.36 (p=0.001), 2.19 (p=0.03), respectively, indicating that music therapy is effective. There was also evidence of a statistically significant relationship between hemodynamic parameters of the control group and the experimental planned nurse's interaction group, but systolic pressure showed no significant relationship with nurses' interaction and unpaired t value of 3.39 (p=0.001), 0.04 (p=0.96), 2.03 (p=0.04), 2.92 (p=0.005), respectively, implying the effectiveness of nurses interaction. Similarly, there was no discernible link between the two experimental groups. Music therapy can help people deal with a variety of emotional and psychological issues. According to Schneider et al (2001), music therapy can be used in conjunction with pharmacological treatment to reduce anxiety, normalize hemodynamic parameters, and enhance overall subjective surgical outcomes.

Relaxation is induced by listening to music, which reduces sympathetic mediated anxiety reactions. Physical and emotional components of anxiety might be triggered by changes in one's environment or daily routine. Anxiety causes sympathetic nervous system activation and related noradrenergic reactions, which are characterized by changes in respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood pressure.

Here is an opportunity to be a speaker and present your poster at the CME/CPD accredited?11th World Nursing, Healthcare Management, and Patient Safety Conference on November 15-17, on San Francisco, USA. Show your research work and poster work internationally and get a chance to meet other speakers and listeners of all over the world.

Here are the conference sessions:

Track 1: Nursing, Track 2: Healthcare Management, Track 3: Patient Safety, Track 4: Public & Community Healthcare, Track 5: Patient Education, Track 6: Healthcare Informatics, Track 7: Healthcare Innovations, Track 8: Digital Healthcare, Track 9: Preventive Medicine, Track 10: Health Promotion.


·????????To evaluate the experimental and control groups' hemodynamic parameters during the intro angiography process.

·????????The goal of this study was to see how effective music therapy and planned nurse interactions were on hemodynamic parameters during an intra-angiography procedure.

·????????The goal of this study was to examine the effects of music therapy and scheduled nurse interaction on hemodynamic parameters during an intra-angiography operation.

Materials and Procedures

Design: The study employed a quantitative experimental research strategy as well as a quasi-experimental non-randomized control group design. After describing the aim and technique, we collected data from a selected sample. Pre-procedure music therapy and nurse-patient contact were offered for 15-20 minutes, and hemodynamic parameters were collected during the procedure.

Sample: The sample size was 60 people who had had angiography and met the inclusion criteria. There were 20 samples in the control group and 40 samples in the experimental group out of a total of 60 samples. A total of 20 samples were included in the experimental group, with 20 samples in experimental group I (music therapy) and 20 samples in experimental group II (planned nurse interaction).

Measurement: After determining the tool's validity, the final tool was created, and then the tool's reliability was determined. Cronbach's alpha formula was used to calculate dependability derived using the split-half approach in this investigation. The reliability values for the questionnaires related to hemodynamic parameters of patients undergoing angiography procedures and planned nurses interaction were 0.77 and 0.72, respectively. The tool's dependability was tested.

The instrument was established, and it was discovered to be statistically trustworthy. We employed a self-designed assessment sheet with four features: heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and oxygen saturation rate to measure the hemodynamic parameters. Table 1 displays the normal and abnormal values of the above traits, with maximum score-2 (normal) and minimum score-1 (abnormal) (abnormal). The total maximum score was eight, while the total lowest score was four.

Effects of music therapy: Table 3 shows the unpaired test used to evaluate the effectiveness of music therapy, which shows a statistically significant relationship between hemodynamic parameters; this indicates that music therapy is effective in maintaining normal hemodynamic parameters during the intro angiography procedure.

Effects of nurses' interaction: The effectiveness of nurses' interaction was assessed using an unpaired ’t’ test, which showed a statistically significant relationship between heart rate, diastolic pressure, and oxygen saturation rate except for systolic pressure, indicating that nurses' interaction is effective in maintaining normal hemodynamic parameters during the intro angiography procedure.

Table 5 displays the results of the unpaired ’t’ test used to evaluate the effectiveness of music therapy and nurse interaction, which demonstrates that there is no statistically significant relationship between hemodynamic parameters and music therapy.


The study's findings show that music therapy and nurse interaction is maintained, that normal hemodynamic parameters are present, but that there is no meaningful association between the two. The current study discovered a statistically significant relationship between the use of music therapy and hemodynamic parameters (heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and oxygen saturation rate).

Triller et al (2006), Mok & Wong (2003), Smolen et al (2002), Allen et al (2001), Schneider et al (2001) all supported this study, which found that blood pressure (systolic, diastolic, or mean) was considerably lower in the music group compared to the control groups. Patients who listened to music throughout invasive procedures or perioperatively had a lower heart rate.

In Hong Kong, Kei et al. (2005) investigated the effectiveness of music and its impact on the physiological reactions and anxiety levels of patients receiving mechanical ventilation. When pre-test measurements were compared to post-test measurements, the results showed that heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, restlessness, facial distortion, and restfulness were significantly more relaxed, whereas the control group showed no significant differences between pre-and post-test results.


The following recommendations are given in light of the findings of this study.

? A similar study might be carried out on (a) a large sample over a long period of time, and (b) permanent pacemaker implantation, ASD, and VSD closure with diverse target populations.

? Different forms of music can be used to conduct a comparative study.

? Using the music and interaction intervention in a different session, a similar study can be undertaken.

? In the clinical setting, a standard nurse interaction protocol should be devised and followed by nursing staff.


The hemodynamic characteristics of patients who had an angiography operation improved significantly. Music therapy and interaction with nurses have been demonstrated to be effective in stabilizing hemodynamic parameters in patients having angiography procedures.

Conference Keywords:

Nursing Conferences, Patient Safety Congress, Healthcare Seminars, Primary Care Meetings,?Nursing Meetings,?Registered Nursing Congress,?Healthcare Workshop,?Patient Safety?Symposiums,?Patient Education Seminars,?Healthcare Research,?Healthcare Exhibitions,?Registered Nurse Meetings,?Registered Nurse Congress,?Registered Nurse Workshop,?Registered Nurse Symposiums,?Registered Nurse Seminars,?Registered Nurse Expo,?Registered Nurse Exhibitions

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- Avail up to 21 CME credits

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- Accepted abstracts will be published in a partner journal with DOI

- Best poster award, young researcher award, and fellowships


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