The effects of independence of the subconscious psyche
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Through the ages the male energy has sought to and effectively succeeded in dominating and suppressing the expression of the female energy. Proof of this can be seen in anger invoking rituals performed under the guise and self-righteous protection of religion. EG: Sati (Hinduism), Al Quida (Islam). There is also the more subtle and polished laws of the governments EG: Unequal wages, right to vote and parental leave.
Historically the male vessel has had the advantage of brawn and wielded?this power to demand submission of the female to its will without undesired consequence.
With the onset of technology and the use of heavy and light machinery to perform chores and tasks, the human mind has taken?the opportunity to evolve above the use of the strength of the?body.
The power of the mind has moved into a significant role and as humanity evolves further. The body has now?even been considered separately in the domain of?maintaining health and vitality.?Concepts like exercise and recreational sports have come into existence to safeguard the smooth functionality of the physical vessel where in the past the performance of chores of normal existence would more than sufficiently attended?to that requirement.
The shift in focus of energy power from the body to the mind has an interesting subsidiary development.?Where before the male vessel was prized?because of the?(generally) obvious?superiority of brawn, the shifting of the power to the mind has brought of?shift of superiority to the female vessel.?
The female vessel has greater resilience,?sensitivity, eye for detail, endurance, and relational capacities. Since the male dominance has prevailed for centuries, the shift is not immediately noticeably or accepted. However, the soul has an unrelenting capacity for justice and truth and this view of shift is inevitably going to be brought to light.
In a matter of time, it will?be noticed that the female vessel now has a?huge advantage. In addition to?a (generally) higher?mental?gifting, the female also has the?ability to reproduce. With the exception of harvesting of seeds for procreation, the male presence can be at the risk of being considered dispensable.
With reference to religious prophecies, there is a suggestion of the turning of the times from the age of darkness to the age of truth and light.?
The shifting of the power from the body to the mind and from the superiority of the male vessel to the female vessel may result?in the thinking of balancing and healing the negativity of historical events of darkness.
Recognition of the?need?of both energies in balance and harmony is the speedy way forward for progress of the planet and the?sturdy development of its inhabitants.??