Effects of Carob Extract on Human Health
Hunnap Pharmaceuticals and Health Services
Essence of goodness
Effects of Carob Extract on Human Health
It is estimated that the carob, a species native to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, was cultured at least 4000 years ago.
The tree, fruit and seed of the carob, which has been growing in the Mediterranean basin and arid areas since ancient times, has a wide variety of uses.
The tree and different organs of the carob are of great importance as they can be used not only in the food sector, but also in different branches of industry such as health and textiles. Carob is among the products that are very suitable for agricultural industry. It is a nutrient that has positive effects on human health together with the insoluble fiber, polyphenols and tannins in its content and is beneficial for cardiovascular health, especially with its antioxidant feature. Thanks to the insoluble fiber in its content, positive effects are also observed in the intestinal and digestive system.,
Carob is a fruit rich in mineral substances. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, selenium, iron and copper are minerals in carob. There are important features that distinguish carob extract from molasses. While molasses is made by boiling with traditional methods, the essence is obtained by cold infusion method and has a thicker consistency and has not been heat treated.
Carob extract is especially recommended for babies, children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and athletes, as it is a rich source of nutrients and minerals. Carob, which enables women to take precautions against osteoporosis, as women experience calcium loss in their bones in advancing ages, also helps to store calcium in children's bone development.
Carob extract is a source of healing against the negative effects of smoking in people who smoke. While it is used in the treatment of cough, it is one of the most common benefits known to clean the lungs. At the same time, carob is recommended by doctors to patients diagnosed with asthma, bronchitis and allergies. Thanks to its strong antioxidant content, it has a protective effect by fighting against cancer cells. Carob extract strengthens the immune system. Carob extract, which is also a strong expectorant, is especially good for colds in winter. People suffering from anemia can also consume carob extract.
Carob extract, whose benefits do not end with counting, is used in the treatment of many diseases. Carob extract, which stands out with its attractive smell and taste, is a very fibrous food. Carob extract is a natural energy source that nature has presented to us with its potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron minerals and high fiber content. In addition, carob extract can be consumed against diseases such as flu and cold, especially in winter. In this way, the body gains resistance against most diseases such as flu and cold.
Carob extract, which contains calcium and zinc intensely, also contains high amounts of phosphorus and potassium. This nutrient, which is a high energy source, is also very useful in skin health.
Carob extract is a very tasty food. Especially people who want to lose weight can consume carob extract when they experience a chocolate and sweet crisis. In this way, they can pass their sweet cravings by consuming carob extract. Carob extract can be consumed in many different ways.
According to recent studies, it has been determined that not only carob extract, also carob flour has many benefits for human health. Carob flour is obtained by grinding carob into flour and drying. Carob flour, which is a source of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron minerals, is an immune friend. Thanks to the fibers it contains, the glycemic index is low, so it prevents the rapid rise of blood sugar and reduces bad cholesterol. It is very effective against coughs as well as fighting against diseases such as colds and flu in the winter months.
As a result, it can be said with great confidence that carob, which has been encountered in different sectors for centuries, is a very valuable food that has penetrated our lives with different areas of use. Carob extract is a great source of energy for children and adults with its natural antioxidant properties. Regular consumption will greatly contribute to human health.