Effectively Managing Meetings

Effectively Managing Meetings


How to Lead Quality Meetings - Part 3

A few years ago, I was in constant meetings; many people rushed from one to another, and, inevitably, some people were late. ?

One time a VP said, “We should have a late jar. When someone’s late to a meeting, they should put $1 in the jar.”

I said, “Nah, don’t penalize the people running late. The person who should pay is the one who let the previous meeting run over.”

It’s true! Most people run late because others don’t manage their meetings well. Here are some tips for running a focused meeting that ends on time:

Start on time, but connect first. Plan in a little buffer at the start to let people shift mental gears and focus on your meeting. Chat a little and ask how everyone’s doing. Keep this buffer to about 10% of your time, and then dive into the meeting.

Use the agenda as your roadmap. Follow the points you’ve laid out. You may hit some unexpected twists along the way, but the agenda can help you re-calibrate and bring you back to your main goals. If you start running out of time, review your goals and focus on the highest priority items.

Don’t be afraid to end the meeting early! This tip is surprisingly under-utilized. Don’t drag out the meeting because you have time to fill. If you’ve accomplished your goals early, then say, “We’re done! You have 20 minutes of your day back.” You will be very much appreciated!

Next up: how to reign in attendees, even if they’re higher up on the org chart than you!

On the journey with you,

Jennifer Hamel, PMP


Do you end most of your meetings on time?

If you’re not leading a meeting, but you can tell it may run long, how can you “lead from the back” and help the meeting facilitator wrap up on time?


The Seven Deadly Sins of Project Management

By Jennifer Hamel, PMP , Founder + CEO

Thank you for being a Collective Thoughts subscriber! If you aren't on the mailing list for the email version of Collective Thoughts, subscribing now will give you FREE access to our brand new e-book, The Seven Deadly Sins of Project Management. Sign up here!

It’s yours. It’s free! It’s our way of saying “thank you.” And we hope it helps you and your team run and deliver healthy projects that grow your impact.

If you have any feedback on the e-book or the content sparks any questions, please message us to let us know! We’d love to hear from you.


4-7-8 Breathing Technique

By Phanith Yaletchko, M.A. , Project Strategist

Just had a tense meeting? Stressed about that looming report deadline? The modern workday is full of triggers that can overstimulate your nervous system—constant notifications, excessive screen time, and noisy environments, just to name a few.

To calm your "fight or flight" response, try the 4-7-8 breathing technique. This simple exercise activates your parasympathetic nervous system (the system that calms your body’s stress responses), helping you to relax and re-center.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit.
  2. Exhale fully through your mouth with a whoosh sound.
  3. Inhale quietly through your nose for a count of four.
  4. Hold your breath for a count of seven.
  5. Exhale completely through your mouth for a count of eight, making a whoosh sound as you do.

Repeat this cycle four times. The key is to make your exhale longer than your inhale.

Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, try this technique and give both your brain and your nervous system the reset they need!

Thanks for reading!

Your friends and fans,

Way Forth Collective

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