Effective ways to save electricity
Gokul Shrinivas
Founder & CEO at MinionLabs | Forbes India 30 under 30 | Clean Energy | Climate Change | 40+ International Awards
It is difficult imagining life as we know it without electricity. That said, most of the electricity we use in our homes is generated by burning fossil fuels, and thus contributes to pollution levels. Your electricity consumption is also directly related to your monthly expenses. The good news is that there are many ways to save electricity in your home.
Disconnect devices
Even when you are not watching television, certain amount of electricity used to keep it on standby. There are many other such appliances that consume electricity unnecessarily. Though it may be a small amount, it can add up quite quickly. To keep this from happening, don’t just switch off the appliance, unplug it when it is not being used.
Maintain all appliances regularly
All electrical appliances experience wear and tear with age. The older the appliance gets, the more power it consumes. Another reason an appliance may consume extra unnecessary electricity is because they haven’t been maintained well. For example, an air conditioner may pull more electricity if the filters are clogged. Similarly, your refrigerator may need more power to keep things cool if it hasn’t been defrosted in a while. By ensuring that your appliances are regularly maintained, you can reduce the amount of power they need, and thus save electricity. Exchanging an old television or computer for a new version can also help reduce the amount of electricity being consumed.
Update window treatment
When it comes to central cooling, a lot of power is wasted when hot air from outside enters the house or when cool air flows out through a poorly sealed window. To keep this from happening and conserve power, make sure all your doors and windows seal properly when shut. Using drapes in front of your windows or a reflective coating on the glass can also help reduce the amount of heat absorbed and thus reduce the load on the HVAC system.
Adjust your lights
The simplest way to save power is by keeping all unnecessary lights switched off. Also, take a look at the number of lights being used. Sometimes, using a single higher wattage bulb can be more energy efficient than using multiple lower wattage bulbs. In terms of the types of bulbs you should use, always choose CFL bulbs over incandescent lights. They may cost a little more but they are more durable and consumer less power.
Run full loads
Appliances like the washing machine, dishwasher and dryer have simplified our lives. But they are power guzzlers. As far as possible, avoid doing half loads and use these machines only when you have a full load. Do you really need to run the dishwasher for just a couple of plates? Also, unless specifically needed, use cold water to further cut down on electricity.
As illustrated above, it is not difficult to save electricity. You can live a comfortable life while cutting down on your electricity consumption. All it needs is an energy management system that monitors and controls the power-intensive activity. The results of your effort may look inconsequential but when your efforts are combined with those of people around you, it adds up.